2:36 AM (Monday)

7 0 0

Head pounding I stare at the ceiling awake.

Nights like these I feel tears threaten to slide down my face because of who I am.

Nights like these remind me of everything I've done wrong. Of why I deserve my fate.

Sometimes I wish I could amputate the loneliness and pain, but I can't. It makes me who I am.

No amount of self-harm is going to change my emotions or fix my problems. This has taken me years to learn.

Even now starting at my arms (which hold a few visible reminders) I know that I can't, that I won't. This May will make it a year that I've been clean. Clean of self-injury.

I believe that is something to be proud of. I'm stronger than I was and am able to push forward minute by minute. That is what matters most to me.

Self injury is never the answer. I promise it's true no matter how many times you've heard it. Never start. Any form of self-harm is addictive. Sadly enough I know from experience. Please, please, please, I beg of you to never start. It's never worth it no matter how you currently feel.

Poems and Rants Of A KilljoyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt