4:00 PM(Thursday)

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My heart aches when I hear harsh words being thrown towards others, yet I don't say anything. The most I've ever said was a quiet, "It's not nice to talk about others behind their backs" before the conversation moved on. It's not fair to put people (class mates, friends, strangers, or family) down. They have their own problems to deal with and adding to it doesn't help one bit.

Sonder: The brief realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own. 

The word above has to be one of my favorite words in the English dictionary. The realization hits me every now and again. It causes me to think. 

Humans have their own problems, we don't need to add onto the pile. Some might tease/bully others for reasons such as Peer Pressure, Popularity, even to make their self-esteem boost. None of these reasons are good enough, they never will be. It is never okay to bully someone. 

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