Fuck With My Head

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Fuck with my head,

Tear up my past,

Those old battle wounds you pointed out are no more than scars now,

I'm not like you nor will I ever be,

Sick of your narcissistic comments,

Sick of your condescending words,

We're not made from the same skin,

Leave me the fuck alone,

You're smothering me and I'm slowly dying while you breathe,

You say that I'm equivalent to a drug that your addicted to,

Addiction is never a healthy thing,

I'm not a fucking drug for you to get high off of,

I'm not your savior,

Nor your friend,

I'm not willing to die for you,

I'm sorry but these twisted fingers can only work for so long,

Never will my heart beat for you like you've said yours does for me,

So please don't smother me,

Why can't you take a fucking hint?

Don't point out my past mistakes,

I don't want to relive them,

Stop fucking with my head.

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