4:54 PM (Tuesday)

4 0 0

Last year I was explaining to a therapist how I felt. I told him how I wanted to physically hurt others as well as myself. One think I remember is his response.

He told me, "Wanting to hurt others is a sign of anger."

That never had occurred to me. Why was I angry? Who was I angry at? Myself or someone else? What had happened that made me this way?

Reflecting back on it now I think I've found a reason to feel that way. My, uh, Father yells and throws things when he gets mad. Honestly? It still scares me....

I remember one time he had gotten mad at a sibling of mine and-

*am I really going to share this...?*

"ouch, that hurts"

"you little piece of shit!"

*winces at the memory*

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