5:12 PM (Thursday)

7 0 0

Yesterday a good friend of mine was very concered of the situation with Logan. Becuase of this she dragged me to the assistant Principal's office and had me talk to him. She (of couse) was there with me. 

Sadly enough after explaining a few things he felt the need to tell us what he was getting from the situation. He understood it as, "a boy who showed his affection in a creepy way" which this whole thing is so much more than that... we left. Her feeling better about everything while I felt the same. Nothing had changed.

Later than night I told my guardian everything. Afterwards I felt much better about it. I made sure she saw everything how it is and not how the assitant Principal did. She saw it as stalking (which it is). 

Today Logan followed me around like a fucking lost dog. He didn't want to leave me along. He kept looking at me (like he normally does). After class he caught up to me and asked me a few questions.

He informed me that he understood why I has blocked him (according to him it was because of what he had sent), he asked if I have been avoiding (becuase to him it feels like it and I am), lastly he asked if I was busy on the twentyfirst of this month. I told him, "yes, in fact I am going to be busy" (I had lied about it). I asked why and he told me that he had a game night planned with some of his friends. He also mentioned the fact that he knew that I had told the counselor about him and in turn told his parents about the self-harm. He had asked, "why?"

"I was just- ah worried about you." Had been my reply.

I can't believe that all of this has gone on for this long.  I can't believe that I let it go on for this long... 

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