5:52 PM (Monday)

20 1 2

I've learned to never take life for granted. 

To most this may seem like an basic thing to never take for granted, but for me it's been a big step forward and (for once) not one back. Life hasn't been kind to me, yet I'm still here. Still breathing against all odds. 

Sometimes I think about how our bodies and minds work. How some struggle with mental or physical challenges that others will never have a taste of. People who struggle are often counted as abnormal when in fact we are just as Human as they are.

Human is an interesting term that we use when talking of our species. What makes us Human? The fact that we have an mouth, nose and two eyes on our head? That we are intelligent? That we make connections with others of our same species that could cause us to go to the end of the Earth to save them? 

Sorry, I've realized that I've gotten a bit off track... To wrap this up I leave you with two questions:

What have you learned to never take for granted in life?

What makes us Human?

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