6:19 PM (Tuesday)

11 0 0

You ignore all of the fences that I've set up around me,

Breaking them without a second thought,

I try to build them again, yet it's not the same fence it once was,

It won't protect me the same way I thought it once did,

I've learned a great deal because of you,

Frustration and Anger remain after talking with you,

You smother me,

Why can't you read between the lines?

I flat out told you I needed distance,

Nothing changed on your end,

You gave me your wounded heart for my twisted fingers to hold,

Have you ever once thought that I don't love you?

I barely held that heart of yours before giving it back or at least trying to,

You've never listen or have taken "no" for an answer,

Because of you I feel the life leaving me,

I'm cutting ties once and for all,

For you have no hold over me,

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