10:54 PM (still Sunday)

14 2 0

As the sun set today I drove away from everything familiar. The passenger (a good friend of mine) watching for something I had never seen before, yet assured me that I'd love it. Anticipating the moment when she tells me tho turn right ahead.

As I do so suddenly a large gate stands in front of us, arms wide open as I drive through. Driving up the hill everything slowly becomes clear as I realize where I am: a cemetery.

One that I'd never been inside of before, but quickly gained appreciation for. It was beautifully secluded from the eyes of the world while having an amazing view of the city below.

After parking the car I quickly get out and open the door to the back seat. Once my camera is around my neck I take one long look at the breathtaking beauty in front of me. Turning to my friend all I can say is how much I love this old cemetery and how I'm eternally grateful for her informing me of this place.

Slowly walking away from the car I take off the lens cap before putting it inside the little pocket on the side of the camera strap. After turning it on I quickly became focused on the task at hand.

Several minutes later full of photography I look up and see a tree with at least ten different wind chimes hanging from the long branches. It is beautiful how the family members of this dead mother showed their loved and memories by hanging all sorts of wind chimes.

There were many different things that loved ones do for their dead. Bring flowers, crosses, and statues of a Angel. All of the tombstones are unfamiliar to me, for I know them not. As I looked at everything I came to a conclusion: Cemeteries are not for the dead, but for the living.

This cemetery in particular stilled my soul and I know that it has become a place of quiet from the world. My own safe haven...

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