The new power.

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" She's getting her second power. The power of fire." a old wise voice sounded. I groaned, I feel like crap.

I opened my eyes to be greeted with a old looking place but with a homey feel.

Ace and a old looking man was sitting on either side of me looking worried.

" Hey, how you feeling?" ace asked sweetly. I smiled groggy and tried to sit up.

" Like crap." I said and was handed a thick mug of something.

" Here drink this. It will help trust me dear." the old man said. Trusting his advice I took a sip and was greeted with a weird taste.

It was like a honey and lemon but with cinnamon. It was a weird taste but it worked.

I drank the rest of it and instantly felt better. He smiled knowingly and took the mug off me.

" Thankyou sir." I said standing up from the bed. He smiled and nodded.

" Lillie, your second power has arrived. The power of fire." the old man said making me gulp.

" Fire? Damn!" I said and looked at my fingers and imagined fire to come out of it.

Soon my finger tips were on fire but it didnt hurt. It felt nice to be around fire.

Noticing that there's a fire pit at the end wall I pictured a fire ball and threw it in the fire pit.

" Fire is the most easiest to control." the man said lighting his own hand on fire. I pictured a candle on fire and one was alite in front of me.

" Damn it' actually quite easy." I said lighting my hand on fire doing weird shapes.

" Well my work here is done. Good luck." he said and led us to the front door.

" Thankyou..." I said trailing off he smiled.

" Mr. Jenkins." he said shaking my hand. I smiled and followed ace back into the forest.

" Thankyou for today." I said as we walked through the dark forest. He smiled and wrapped an arm around my waist while we walked.

" It's okay Lila, im just glad your okay." he said kissing my forehead lovingly. I closed my eyes and leant my head up against his shoulder.

" How about we go and get food from one of my favourite diners?" he asked taking my hand lacing his fingers through mine.

" Okay." I said and his back sprouted white gorgeous wings the same time mine sprouted my beautiful black ones.

We took off into the sky to this diner he was on about.

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