Cole's Greatest Struggle

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With Cole

Cole and Ozpin were flying in a different area. The sky was red, and the trees looked dead. On the ground, countless grimm roamed around. They saw a castle like structure in the distance.

Ozpin: Fly lower now, we cannot give away our element of surprise.

Cole: Right.

Cole flew lower to the ground, and as he was flying, he saw off in the distance the last thing he wanted to see.

Cole's Thought: *notices something* What the hell are they doing here!? How'd they get here!?

Cole: Ozpin, wait.

Ozpin: What is it?

Cole: There's something we need to catch.

He turned towards what he saw and flew towards it. Once in sight, he saw it was Pan flying Yang on her back.

Cole: Oi!

Pan&Yang: Huh?

They looked to see Cole coming towards them, and stopped.

Pan: Uncle Cole?

Cole: What on Remnant are you two doing here? It's dangerous.

Yang: Pan said there was something strong here, so we thought it would be fun.

Cole: Wha-No! It's not fun! Girls, go back home. Your mother must be worried sick.

Cole's Thoughts: Well..."mothers" is more the term.

Pan: But, we wanna fight to! We wanna help daddy!

Cole: *sigh* Girls, this is something us adults have to deal with. Please, go hom-

He was cut off by the sound of a deafening screech. He looked behind them to see a flock of nevermores flying straight towards them.

Cole: Girls! Get down!

They flew down as you took a hold of Ozpin.

Cole: Sorry professor.

Ozpin: Do it.

He threw him up in the air, and reeled his arms back.


He fired the kamehameha right down the center of the flock, eradicating them. He caught Ozpin, and flew down where girls were.

Cole: Well, guess the element of surprise is gone.

Ozpin: No matter, we shall just take a different approach.

Cole: Girls, I really need you to go back home.

Pan: Grr, fine! *pouts cutely*

Cole: *sigh* I'll take you both out for ice cream later.

Yang&Pan: YAY!!!

They flew back, and Ozpin and Cole continued on towards Salem's domain. As they approached the castle, they saw a large double-set of doors that was taller than the entrance of Beaon open up.

Cole: They're letting us in?

Ozpin: We must be wary of traps, be careful.

Cole: Right, stick close to me professor.

They landed in front of the doors, and slowly walked in. Cole kept his eyes peeled, making sure nothing was going to come out and try to kill them. Just as he was going to walk another step, the doors began to close. Once shut, the room lit up with red candles.

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