Concerns and New Neighbours:

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" I can't believe you just finished that pizza in like 5 minutes..." Katianna said to her sister, looking at her in disbelief.

" Okay..." Zendaya looked at her sister sassy, " i am currently eating for two... or in case you have forgotten... I'm Pregnant!" She exclaimed the last bit to her sister.

" I forgot you get mood swings..." Julien mumbled, thinking Zendaya couldn't hear him.

" Did you say something?" Zendaya asked him, giving him a warning glare. " i know you did not say something because if you did i wouldn't be sitting here still..." She told him.

" N- Nothing. i said nothing." Julien stuttered a bit, looking at his sister with a bit of fear... she looked weak but she most definitely wasn't.

" mhmm thats what i thought..." Zendaya nodded her head at him.

" Z..." Zac placed a hand on her shoulder gently, " your blood pressure..." he reminded her softly not wanting her to snap at him.

Zendaya turned her head to him, before looking down at her small bump, placing a hand on it, she looked back up at him nodding before letting out some deep breaths, calming herself down, she did that for about 15 seconds before stopping.

" Thank you..." Zendaya smiled at Zac, " I completely forgot that if my blood pressure goes up it can affect me and the baby..."

" Just take it easy okay?" Zac asked her worry on his face, " i don't want anything to happen to the two of you..."

Zendaya nodded, smiling at him, before placing a hand on his cheek, " We will be fine." she assured him, looking into his bright blue eye's.

" What is this about her blood pressure ?, it keeps coming up and we don't know anything about it." Kaz asked the couple, worry now on his face, along with the other family members.

Zendaya sighed and looked at them, " i can't let my blood pressure get to high... it can cause some serious effects on me and the baby. if it gets to high i might have to be hospitalised." she explained to them all, gripping Zac's hand in comfort at the thought of anything going wrong.

" Ohh... Daya..." Claire looked at her daughter sadly.

" It's okay." Zendaya tried to assure everyone, " Helen has told me it is quite common for pregnancies... apparently lots of women deal with this on a daily bases." she continued, " But please don't treat me any different! that will stress me out... just act like everything is fine, so i don't freak out."

( which is true... my cousin had it both times she was pregnant.)

" We can do that." Darnell spoke for everyone nodding.

" Good because the last thing i need is to think about los-" Zendaya didn't continue, her voice cracked and tears covered her eye's, she shook her head, " No i can't think like that." she told herself, just loud enough for everyone to hear.

" You and the baby are going to be fine." Zac told her firmly, lifting and pulling her on to his lap so he could comfort her, " You guys are going to be healthy and we will have a bigger family, just like how we wanted." He hugged her, as she curled up in to his lap, tears still in her eye's.

Zendaya's siblings, Darnell, Claire and Kaz all looked at the girl with sad and pitiful faces... they could never understand how Zendaya was feeling but from what they felt right now it must have been a million times worst.

" Zac you know we also have to prepare for the worst... you know if there even is a little spike in my blood pressure, so many things could go wrong..." Zendaya looked up to her husbands face, tears falling down her face.

" I know..." Zac said softly to her, " But we can't keep thing like that as well, we will accept what is happening and then we will think positively about everything."

Zendaya nodded at him, " Okay... so we both agree that there is a chance of us losing this baby, not saying we will but their is a chance and we need to be ready if such things happen."

" we agree." Zac answered her, " we know whats happening and accept it, now lets think positively and move on a little from the topic. Okay?" he asked her.

" Okay." Zendaya replied, " The twins should be up soon anyway." She kissed his cheek, wiping her tears and got up out of his lap, only for everyone to hear the twins.

" Mama!" everyone heard from the lounge room, " Dada!"

" How...?" Austin asked, looking surprised, " How in the world did you know they were waking up?"

Zendaya just smirked at him, " I've got mad skills when it comes to my babies." she told him before calling out, " Mommy and daddy are coming!" to the twins, as Zac stood up. " lets go get these two before they throw a fit." Zendaya said chuckling along with Zac.

They both walked out to the lounge room, to see the twins at the baby gate looking up at their parents happily, "did you guys have a good nap?" Zendaya cooed at them, as she and Zac bent down picking them up.

" look at your hair little man." Zendaya giggled at her son, in her arms as the family of 4 entered the kitchen, she sat down in her seat she was just in, placing Andre on her lap, fixing his hair. " Looks just like your dad's when he gets up." she told her son, who looked up at her, wonder on his face.

" i can't argue with that." Zac shrugged, sitting with Adrianna on his lap.

" No. you can't.' Zendaya told him, " Also weird question... but had anyone seen that the lot of land next door had been bought? they have started building on it." she asked everyone looked up from Andre's now fixed hair, that matched with his dads.

" Yeah actually! a builder came over the other day and told me that their building and sort about the noise. which was nice of him." Darnell replied.

Zendaya made a face, " That's odd... most workers just do their job not go to the neighbour and apologise about the noise. though it was really nice of him." she said nodding.

" i wonder who our new neighbours gonna be?" Claire asked looking intrigued.

" i have no idea but i over heard some of the workers talking about some of the plans and the house should hella fine. from what i heard it sounded like a dream house! don't ask me what it was because i don't remember but i know that when i heard i was like i wanted to live there." Darnell told everyone, who all didn't realise how quiet Zac had been and was smirking inwardly.

" your such a snoop." Zendaya laughed at her friend. " but i do hope the new Neighbours are nice... i do not want to handle with rude ass and annoying neighbours."

" Aman to that." Kaylee told her sisters as the others nodded and agreed.

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