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A/N: Okay so somehow its October so lets just go with it though my chapters haven't really been going with the dates.... i really need to get my dates in order... 

" So whats everyone dressing as tonight ?" Zac asked as he and everyone else sat in the lounge room of Zendaya's house, tonight they where hosting a halloween party and had decorated the house last night, so it gave them time today to chill before the party. Zendaya was lying, head head on Zac's lap and the twins snuggled against her, everyone else sat on the rest of the lounge doing whatever.

" To be honest all of us aren't really dressing up..." Austin answered, " i mean we might wear like head pieces or something but we wont go all out." he continued as the other nodded.

" well thats boring." Zendaya sighed to them as she moved a bit, getting uncomfortable before moving Adriana on her chest and bump, and moved over so Andre could sleep in the crock of her arm as she held him gently so her wouldn't fall.

Julien just shrugged at her, " its not like we have to go full out." he said to her.

" well since its my babies first proper Halloween Zac and I for sure are going out." Zendaya told them as she rubbed Adriana's back a bit as she slept.

" Yeah well thats understandable." Claire nodded, smiling at the sight of her daughter and her little family.

" Hugh is so going to dress up." Zac chuckled softly careful not to wake the sleeping twins.

" That's so true." Zendaya giggled quietly, before sighing, " i really need to stretch my back but i can't get up..." she said to everyone.

" why don't you just move them?" Katianna asked.

" Because right now their not in a heavy sleep and if i move to left one of them off me they will wake up and i need them to sleep so they wont be as whiny tonight." Zendaya explained, " so I'm stuck here until we need to go change."

" well thats not that long..." Kaz told his daughter as he checked his watch, " its already 4:30 and you said you wanted to change at 5: 30 so you just need to lie there for an hour."

" i guess its not that bad..." Zendaya sighed, " i just have so much energy right now..." she told everyone.

" If it makes you feel better Zac stuck with you ask well." Katianna said trying to cheer her sister up.

" Ohh yeah!" Zendaya said in realisation before looking up, " Hey Boo!" she smiled up at him, " looks like your stuck with me." she said to him.

Zac chuckled, " Babe i married you, i knew what i was getting myself into and what i would be stuck with." he said to her smiling, " besides i don't mind." he shrugged.

Zendaya laughed at him, " I feel so bad for you because I'm a hand full." she said to him, " but you stuck with me for the rest of your life now." she struggled slightly.

" so say it as if its suppose to be a bad thing." Zac looked down at her, eye brow raised.

" well at times i know i do get annoying." Zendaya told him, " so i suppose it is bad at times."

Zac looked at her in disbelief, " you are not annoying!" he exclaimed quietly to her, " I love how you loud and cheerful, i don't care if you get angry easily or upset over little things, i married you for you." he told her firmly, " so don't call yourself annoying."

Zendaya looked up at him in Awe, " you know i would hug and kiss you right now but..." she told him, then looked at her chest where Adriana slept and her left arm where Andre slept.

Zac chuckled at her, " yeah better not.'" he told her smiling.

" later then " Zendaya winked at him.

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