Dreams Part 2:

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Continuation after Zac and Zendaya fell asleep.


" I'm back? " Zendaya asked herself as she looked around, once again in a memory, " this never happens? i never have gone into memories twice in one day..." she continued specking out loud to herself. She continued looking around her realising she was in A large house, looking quite similar to the one in the movie, except this was more grand. " Hm... Must be the Barnum's house..." Zendaya spoke again as she walked around a bit, she seemed to be at the front entrance of the house.

Zendaya was to busy in her own world that she didn't even realise another person was with her, and was watching as she spoke to herself, " ohh how beautiful..." Zendaya whispered as she walked to the stair case seeing intricate designs on it.

" Umm... Daya?" Zac asked confused as to where the hell he was, He had been watching his wife walk around this random house for a bit as she spoke out loud to herself.

Zendaya jumped hearing his voice, shocked that someone had acknowledged her and that person was Zac. " Ohh babe!" Zendaya said holding her hand to her chest, " its you... i thought someone some how could see me and was trying to figure out what i would say..." she told her husband laughing a little to herself.

" looks like your here to see the memory as well." Zendaya said walking up to him, " where invisible to everyone in it so we don't have to worry about being loud or seen" she explained.

" So we are here until the memory finishes? what do we do? " Zac asked his wife, having know she had been in memories before... it was such a bizarre thing to say/ be in.

" well i usually walk around and follow Anne and the others around and watch what happens. " Zendaya shrugged, looking around her and Zac, " seeing as no one is here i say we look around and see what we can find!" Zendaya exclaimed excited, " Come on, the lights are on so they must be awake... maybe their all in the kitchen or dining room!" she said before dragging Zac with her down a hallway, to where a door was open and she could see a large table in it.

Zendaya let go of Zac's hand as she got to the door and pecked her head into the room to see if Anne or anyone was in there, to her luck, their sat Anne, Philip, P.T. and Charity all of them with cups of tea in front of them.

Zendaya turned her head to her husband who was looking around him in wonder, " I found them! " she exclaimed happily, " Come on. where in this memory for a reason, so lets watch." She told him, grabbing his hand and pulled him into the room, the both of them stood at the end of the table right next to the group of 4.

" this is so weird... it like watching ourselves because we could be twins with them." Zac told Zendaya, freaked out about what was happening.

Zendaya giggled at him, " you will get use to it. trust me." she replied smiling at him, before turning back to the family in from of her.

" Anne... i really hate to ask but with the way you broke down an hour ago..." P.T. said to Anne sighing, wishing she didn't need to tell them what had happened, but with the way she acted, he also thought it was for the best so he and everyone else knew what had happened and could keep her safe if needed.

Anne looked down at her tea, " you want to know what had happened. why i broke down." she finished for him quietly, she looked up at P.T. and the others, " are you sure you would like to know? its not the happiest of stories..." she said giving them a chance to back out.

Charity shook her head firmly, " Anne you are our daughter now, what ever the story is P.T. and i will listen, and Philip being your boyfriend is here to listen and comfort you, we all want to know the story and help us get to know you better, no matter how sad or happy the stories are." She told Anne gently, with a warm smile on her face to comfort the young woman.

Anne looked down at her hand, that was entwined with Philips and took a deep breath, looking back up at everyone, " Umm... well..." Anne begun, not really sure how to start, " you all know W.D. is my brother right?" Anne asked them before they nodded at her, " well then i sure you have also noticed thats our skin colours are also different then..." She spoke, comfortable enough to go to the colour of skin with them.

Anne looked at the faces, wondering if she should go on, getting smilies of reassurance she did, " W.D. and i are held brother and sister." she told them, breathing out heavily. P.T., Charity and Philip all stared at her shocked, they though the two shared the same parents.

" yeah. we share the same mother but our fathers are different." Anne continued, " W.D.'s father was a hard working man, he was an amazing father from what i heard and loved his son very much... our mother on the other hand, well lets just say she didn't love either of them or me when i came along." Anne said looking down a bit at that, " she wasn't committed to W.D. father from what i hear and know, she slept around i lot from the gossip i heard before leaving the place i was born... thats how i came about she slept with a man, who was definitely not W.D.'s father. they weren't careful and i came along..."

Anne started to tear up, thinking about what her father had said to her, Philip saw this and wrapped his arms around her, comforting her. " i was never meant to be born i know that. but my mother did not believe in killing a un born child, having me and leaving W.D. to raise me, with help from his father until i was around 3, he past away and i was left to some nice women on the farm, who looked after me when W.D. took his fathers place, working. My father though did not even acknowledge me what so ever, and i have know about him being my father since being a baby, W.D.'s father did not want to lie to me so he told me." By now Anne was crying. Zendaya was tearing up at the story, As Zac pulled her to him for comfort.

" Ohhh honey..." Charity got up out of her seat and rounded the table to crouch down next to Anne, Philip nodded at her before gently letting go, before Charity wrapped her arms around the young woman. " your okay... W.D. is okay... your both fine now." she said softly to her, rocking Anne in her arms softly.

P.T. looked mad at what he heard, and for good reason to, who would treat their own child like that! He was glad he and Charity came across this wonderful girl, he only hoped she would accept to being a Barnum. Philip was mad as well, he was mad someone had treated her so carelessly, mad at the parents, he just wanted to get rid of what ever had hurt Anne, and hold her in his arms, knowing she was safe and sound.

" I'm sorry to ask this Anne..." P.T. Looked guilty, " but who was your father?" he asked her softly.

Suddenly everything in the room went still, Anne's cries stopped at the question, from shock or something else no one was sure, " Father was the boss of us, he ruled over what we did daily and punished us if we did not do it right or refused." Anne managed to get out, it was almost like a riddle but everyone knew what she meant.

" Your father he was-" P.T. begun but was cut off by Anne.

" He was white." She finished for him, " you can understand now why he didn't want anything to do with me, I'm a disgrace to the world we know."

As those words came out of Anne's mouth the room around Zac and Zendaya begun to fade away.

' uhh whats happening?" Zac asked freaking out a bit.

" the memory is over." Zendaya replied, " where waking up." she told him, before shutting her eye's and feel into darkness, Zac followed close behind.

End of Dream.

Zendaya opened her eye's to see the roof of her house and smiled, she was glad to be out of that memory... it was horrible to listen too... but she was glad to have seen and heard it.

" Woah..." Zac said from beside her, sitting up, "so thats what happened when you see memories?" he asked her looking down at her lying form.

" yeah. sometimes i will be in Anne's body but lately i have been in my own just watching." Zendaya answered him.

" its so cool and freaky at the same time..." Zac breathed out, " but its so interesting to see... i just want to go back and continue watching their lives..."

Zendaya nodded, " i know, when you find one thing out you want to know the rest... its actually frustrating sometimes..." she told him, sighing.

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