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"Why did they have to do Julian dirty though? I almost peed my pants when his face turned from happy to I-don't-wanna-be-a-fucking-part-of-this-anymore when he saw his role," Sapphire snorted, popping another fry in her mouth.

"What could honestly be so bad about a freaky nerd nobody talks to because he picks his nose and talk creepily to girls?"

"A lot, Sean, a lot," Sapphire ate another fry, and another quesadilla. "But hey, atleast we got the good roles. You got the lead, well mostly."

After rollerskating around for almost an hour, Sean and Sapphire decided to eat because their stomachs were growling in complaints already. So without any further ado, they ordered from every stall they passed by before bringing them over to one of the picnic tables set down on the granite terraces.

Did I also mention a great view of the lake and the skyscrapers?

"Yeah, and I get to be your love interest too," Sean waggled his eyebrows teasingly, earning a light smack from the girl.

As much as she didn't agree with what she's going to say, she breathed out an annoyed huff. "Correction: a love triangle."

It was true. Sapphire's role was going to be Sean's indefinite love interest, seeing as a love triangle was going to be constructed between them and another girl.

And guess who that girl is.

Yep, you're right, it's Jordyn Jones. With a role of a nice, smart and properly mannered girl that came from an average family as she comes on in the academy with a full scholarship, while Sapphire was assigned a role of being the girl who was quiet in every club meeting yet rude when finally spoken to because she hated the world.

Not too far off from reality, but you know.

"Why won't they tell us who's going to be the endgame?" Sapphire groaned, stuffing her mouth with what looked to be chicken poppers. She didn't fully see why she has to be so bothered about it, but still, she's really bothered with it. Great, the Gods are against me and now plotting revenge by putting me in a icky love triangle.

"You are such a pig," Sean snorted. "It's called suspense, babe, look it up."

"Smarty ass," the girl scoffed jokingly, throwing a balled up tissue in the boy's way, which he dodged while throwing a wink at her. "Always the same smarty ass asian boy that I went to Chuck-E-Cheese with everyday."

"Still the sarcastic burnt face loser that drowned in the ballpit, I see."

"We do not bring that up! It was a really big ass ballpit, and I swore I couldn't reach the top of it when I delved deep!"

"Seaaaaaaan, take me out of here!" The boy mocked her voice in a highpitched squeal. "I'm gonna die! I'm gonna die!"

"I do not sound like that," the girl looked offended.

"You'd be surprised of how much you sound like a beluga whale," Sean snickered, "i'm just kidding, S, you sound normal enough."

"You're such a big meanie," Sapphire pouted her lips, squinting her eyes at the boy. "Atleast I didn't pe--"

Sean clamped a hand around the girl's mouth, "In this moment in time, we do not bring out the scary receipts of the past because we do not want to further scar our memories."

Suddenly, the boy yelped when he felt her tongue on his palm.

"Ew!" The boy looked partially disgusted, wiping his hand on her arm. "Your germs!"

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