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I only went to one, this year.

Pretty dope.


Anyways, it was the night of the school dance (just a small thingy), wasted ten dollars, and was pumped.

My friend was taking me JHONPAUL-PAULJHON and we were going together as frens.

I swore to her I was going to be Michael in the bathroom because I didn't want to really go but..she kinda gave threats that all I do is read and I need to get out more.

Anyways, so I hopped in the car and she skyped this six or nine year old on Skype (her neighbor) and we had to go to her house anyway for her I.D. and ticket.

So, I had to use the bathroom anyways, so I was chill lmao.
So, at her house, use the bathroom, got the things. Great.

"Can't keep my oof in my oof." Bubs said. Like legit as we walked to next door so the little kid could see us.

I laughed at her naturally.

The little girl came out and gave us complements.

I walked back to the car in all ackwardness, and antisocialness.

You know what bubs did?

She began to dance on the car and scream "can't keep my oof in my oof!" XD

Okay, back in the car, she blasted highly inappropriate songs, which made me laugh so damn hard XD

Oooh boyy was I sweaty as I saw my hell hole of a school.

We got out of the car, pump

As we were at the door of the school, bubs forgot her I.D in the car.

She called her mom, who couldn't be less than a minute away, just beginning to drive away.

The mom: yes?

Bubs: I forgot my I.D

The mom: Bubs, your an asshole, I'm turning around!

She hung up on her and I laugh so hard at her. I mocked her mother and like...died inside.

Finally, the dance.

I was very ackwardly at first.

I texted my mom.

Me: ma, what should I do at a dance?

Mum: dance.

Okay, that was great. Boy-o-boy.

Well, I loosened up really and gave no fucks after a while.

It was fun


Intil, a kid appeared.

He was trying to dance on girls right?

So, in the corner of my eye, he was going to try to dance on me.

Bippity boppity back the fuck up bitch.


You know the cha Cha slide, where you slide to the left?

Yes. I did that

I legit slid to the left and went to find a group of friends then just the three of them.

Well, in the end, he danced on one of my friends and I laughed at her.

I took my heels off because, why not?

It was good, it was fun.

Don't be like that dude.


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