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Hmm, reading back they are kinda all inappropriate or whatever...

I am making a fluffy story time

One time, I was a tiny pea, still tall though, anyways

I got a dollar!

I don't really remember how or why I got it but I did and I was colored stoked.

Mkay, and I have a very big heart, please note that (not for myself)

You know what my uncle said?

He fucking said: hey, can I have some of your money?

So, I was stubborn and of course said no

Then..a few minutes later I came around and I...I fucking ripped the dollar in half

Me: heere uncle! Me and you can both have some of the money!

Oh my God.

He told me that it doesn't work like that

My mofo heart broke lol

I shrugged anyways and moved on

(He gave me another dollar and told me not to do that again lol)

XD don't tell me shit or I will might do it lol

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