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So, you may ask me "Fucking aye Jazz, take a complement on your art and such. Why can't you see?"

I can't. At all.


I been in a really rough situations and such.

My art let's talk about.

So I have a friend, Lucy (not her real name) and she already fucked up before this year with me and hurted my feelings.

But, she has been doing this like...ugh.

Her: well...I mean, it is good...but remember that we are good at the opposite of you do things I can't do...

Me: oh. So I'm awful at drawing cartoonish? But I can draw realistic?

Her: yeah, exactly.

But like repeating.  I kinda just fade away from art from getting the negitive factors. Like as if I can't fix my art over time. Like it is always trash. ....

I started giving up. I'm sorry.

I'm trying .... honestly. Trying to get back but just everyone's replies irl really just make me feel like shit.

Honestly. Everyone irl makes me feel like I am a spec of dirt. No one cares about my feelings. To the school, I am just a nothing. Legit. They take shit out on me. Teachers, students. Home stress. I don't want to wake up. I want to sleep forever. .

I can't see me being here. At all.

I'm trying.

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