Dont fucking judge me bitch, I'm tired

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How can I describe my tiredness...

Okay. It depends.

It is...okay I will say it is kinda cute maybe? I don't know you guys have a wierd thingy to know what cute is lmao

Anyways *snorts* I have insomnia and it is dependable on how my mood is but sometimes I act like a drunk

Like the smallest thing i will have to go into giggle fall on the floor and reaaaallly can't control myself in laughter. Almost in tears.

Or I will ramble till I fall asleep. like I will full out lay down and close my eyes but still ramble to you about shit and I won't know what I am even all. Like in the car or something. (My grandmother used to call me a blabbermouth for doing this lmao)

Or there is like a tiredness where I need sleep. It is noticed and I am really slower and idk.

So, one night this year, was spirit week. It was squad day the next day and I wanted to wear a dress with a couple of friends.

I couldn't find one.

So, I took my lil self down the stairs (still living in the attic) and rummage through things and went up and down the stairs 1:30 in the morning (anxiety best again) and my mum came out of her room at one point.

Her: wtf are you doin?

Me: I am trying to find a dress

Her: 1:30 in the morning?

Me: exactly, yes

So, in the end we both were in her room and she was letting me have a dress to use

Her:*puts out a fist for some reason..I don't remember..*

Me:*jumps back*...oh I thought you were trying to punch me in the tit

Her: oh of course 1:30 in the morning I would love to just punch you in the tit


Me and her laughed and joked and some times we joke that she is going to punch me in the tit

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