No, no story

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(short story)

It happened again

Legit there is this cool kid kinda and so, he is kinda a friend but I don't know.....

I go to my locker today and was walking to the staircase with my friend (I forced him because he wanted to go home only to play overwatch and said it was more important than our friendship...I legit smacked his arm and made him come lol) and the kid came behind us..

You know what he said...

He said....

"Hello mistress molester"


Hell nah, no thanks

I fucking grabbed anime boy's (the one that I forced to come with me) book bag part and began to run.

"Run like you never did and it was important!" I yelled..... thanks again...not today

He says weirder stuff

He calls anime boy master of masterbation

Wow. My friends are wonderful, aren't they?

SHITS AND GIGGLES Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt