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For the week, Roni invited Lauren to a girls week at a Salon/Hotel. And of course Lauren Agreed.
They got back Wednesday Morning. They both went back to Her and Alex's house.
L- I had such a good time, thanks Roni
R- My pleasure. We should go again sometime, they give the best massages
L- Omg! Yes! Maybe next month
R- maybe.
L- Well, I have to get ready for tonight, but until then, want to watch a movie or something.
R- High school musical marathon?
Lauren and Roni grabbed snacks and watch movies for a few hours.
After while, Roni leaves and Lauren gets ready for her date with Alex.
Alex left a spare key under the door mat for Aaron and Roni so they could get in to get Moose.
Lauren leaves to catch up with Alex.
A few minutes later, Roni and Aaron get Moose and put him a cute Tux. They leave and get him in the car.
Aa- okay Roni, the ring is in that bag, will you put it on Moose's collar please.
R- yep!
Roni puts the ring on his collar and they arrive at the park, where Alex and Lauren are eating some steak.
L-This is still so nice and amazing babe, I love it
A- You're welcome baby. MOOSE!!
L-Moose? Where?
Moose comes running towards Alex.
L- Does he have a tux on?
L-awww. How cute!!!
Moose jumps on Lauren's lap.
L-moose, get down. Wait, what is that on your collar?
As she was taking it off. Alex was getting down on one knee.
She didn't notice Alex until she had finally got the ring off.
L- babe? Wha-
A- Lauren Kobiyashi Riihimaki, I can remember the day we met like it was yesterday. All I saw was this beautiful girl. But unfortunatly for me, you had a boyfriend. I wasn't going to give up though. I knew, even when we barley knew each other, that you were this amazing woman. And what do you know, once I got to prove myself to you. I was so happy that you actually chose me. I couldn't believe we made it this far. 3 and a half years together. I chose the most beautiful, smartest, caring, and generous woman ever. I make sure I am the best for you. Cause I never feel like I'm good enough for you. But I love you, so much. So Lauren, will you marry me?
L-(crying) yes Alex, I'll marry you.
All of Alex and Lauren's friends come out cheering and clapping.
M(Mia)- yay! Mr. And Mrs.Burriss!!!
Re(Remi)- now time for the babies!!
All- Laugh
L-(laughing) no, not yet!
Alex and Aaron pulled up chairs for everyone to sit and eat some stake with them as well.
They had a good night.

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