Harley and Adison can talk!

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A-whaaaatt nooooo
L- you totally are
A-okay... (Smirks)  just a little

L- omg!!!  Did he say moose!  How cute!
A-how come they won't say daddy? 
L- baby,  not every kid says daddy as their first word.  Mine was Pizza.
H-Daddy!  (Laughs and claps)
L-thats right Hare Bear! Daddy!  (Laughs)
A-good job Harley! 
L- now,  they are done eating so let's clean them up.
A-alright.  Come here Harley

Alex and Lauren put the twins inside the play pen while they clean up.

L-okay,  you going out today?
A- maybe.  You want to go to the mall after we finish cleaning?
L- sure,  why not.  But we have to get them ready too.  They are only in diapers.
A-yeah.  We'll get them ready.
L- look at this.  Binky after Binky after Binky.  They are everywhere.  I need to wash these. 
A-while we're out, we need to stop at party city so we can get things for their party.
L-oh yeah.  Okay

Alex and Lauren finish cleaning a little while later and then get the kids ready. Once they are ready,  they buckle them up in their car seats and head out the door.

L-hey DIY babes!  We are back with another weekly vlog, and today is Friday.  Alex and I are currently heading to party city and then to the mall. 
L-the twins are obviously in the back,  and I can't see them,  but I think they are sleeping because they didn't have a nap today. Which was probably a bad idea because now they won't sleep tonight.
A-its your night tonight.
L-no,  it's yours.  I even checked the calendar.
A-you wrote it on the calendar?
L-sure did.  Because you'll be a sneaky Lou.  Like right now and try to avoid your night. If you guys dont get what we mean,  on the nights that the twins don't have naps,  one of us has to stay up with them until they fall asleep

A-why don't we let them sleep with us tonight?  Because we are also going out to eat and won't be home till late.
L- yeah, I guess.  They fall asleep faster when they are with us anyway. 
A-dope.  Now I don't have to stay up late tonight.
L-mhm,  you got away with it this time mr.

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