How far along

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Alex and Lauren go to the doctors about a week later to see how far along Lauren is. As well as getting an ultra sound.
D(doc)- alright, Mr and Mrs Burriss. So we have the results here. So according to this. You are 1 month along and now we can do the ultra sound.
A-Will we be able to know the gender now?
D-no. We will only be able to see the baby and the heart beat.
L-oh okay. So how far along do I have to be to see the gender?
D-just about 2 more months.  Alright. Here we go

L-is that two babies?!
D- It sure is.
Both: gosh
D-come back in about 2 weeks for a check up
A-okay, thanks very much.
L-have a good day.

At Home
L- I still can't believe it. Twins. We. Are. Having. Twins
A- I spoke it into exsitence. I said jokingling we would have twins. Now we really are.
L-no, I don't think thats why. I told you they run in my family
A-well it'll be alright. 2 kids and a Moose. No big deal

They look at each other
Both: its a huge deal!
L-baby, I'm not ready for this. We have a lot to do. A gender reveal, a baby shower, buy all the necessities, turn one of the rooms into a nursery, baby proof the house. And we only have 8 months to do this.
A-now that you said it out loud. I do realize how big of a job this will be.
L-time to email some people. We will need as much help as we can get.
A-yes, yes we will

Alex bends down and rubs Lauren's stomach.
A-hey there, its your dad. I um. I'm not sure how we are going to handle two of you. But we will do it. Together.

After a few hours. They have everything settled. Alisha and the Asian girl squad are throwing the gender reveal and baby shower. Aaron, Roi, and Swoozie are going to help set up the nursery. And Alex and Lauren will do the shopping.

Alex and Lauren sit on the couch, snuggled together, watching Bob's Burgers.
L-So, I've been looking at names.
A-for girls?
L-well duh. We already have a go to name if we have a boy.
A-(laughs) yeah. So what were you thinking for a girl?
L-here are the names I like
A-I really like Riley or Harley. Oh wait.
A-what if we have two boys?
L-oh yeah! We didn't think of another name. What name goes with Adison?
A-Maybe Austin?
L-maybe... I dont know. Lets talk about it tomorrow. I'm ready for bed

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