Disney Day

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Alex,Lauren,Roni,Aaron,Lana, Remi,Alisha,Mia,Tiff, and Roi, all decided to meet up at Disneyland.
(The twins are a month and a half)

A-alright, I grabbed their outfits.
L-let me see
A-for harley,

L-cute! Now hand me Adison please, I want some quality time with my sunshine.
A-as you wish. And I will obviously take Harley.  I am going to get her ready down stairs.
L-okay, I'll be there in a bit

A-what it is what it be what it do doe!
I am currently in the living room with Harley. Say hi Harley!

A-she can't quite speak yet but we'll get there. Anyway. Lauren in upstairs getting Adison ready. We are going to Disneyland today. Aren't we Hare Bear! (Harley Smiles) you're so gorgeous. Just like mommy. Anyway. I am going to get her ready and I will be back in a sec.

Alright. I have Harley right here she is wearing a Minnie onesie with a red tutu, black bow, and these sneakers.
I am just going to give her a pacifier, and take her downstairs. Because its feeding time. So I will get back to you guys when we get to Disney.

Alex goes downstairs with Harley, where Lauren is rocking back in forth while feeding Adison.
A-hey, baby
L-(looks up) hey. So I was thinking. I don't want to take them to Disney. Its say too crowded. I don't want them getting sick

A-yeah. True. But they will be mad if they never get to go.

L-1) they won't remember going to Disney at 1 month old. 2) We can always take them to Disneyland.
I already called Nicole (babysitter) she is on her way to watch them while we go.
A-(sighs) fine.

Alex and Lauren meet up with everyone and they eat lunch, then ride and talk for a while.  They get home at 10pm where Nicole is watching TV in the living room.

L-(whispers) hey Nicole, we're back
N-(whispers) oh hey! I just got them to bed. But they did very good today.
A-(whispers) awesome! Thanks so much for watching them. Here is your paycheck for the day. Have a good night.

Alex and Lauren ate some dinner while watching tv and then they went to bed

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