Adison and Angelica

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So, as you know, Adison and Angelica have had feelings for each other for a while. But because of Harley, they have avoided dating. But day after day, their feelings only got stronger and it got to the point where they couldn't be in the same building unless they got to be together. So Adison decided to text Angelica and figure this out.

On Text

Ad: Hey

An: Hi :)

Ad: can we talk

An: of course

Ad: I can't stop thinking about you Angelica, we are about to be in eighth grade and I can't keep lying to Harley

An: what do you mean, she knows we like each other

Ad: well not exactly, I told her I don't have feelings anymore

An: oh

Ad: I just really want you to be my girlfriend

An: Adison, I want to be your girlfriend too, but it can't happen. I'm her best friend and your her brother, it wouldn't work out.

Ad: I understand

An: but I mean, we could give it a shot, let's try a week, but that whole week, NO one can know. Okay?

Ad: yeah of course

An: so, you're my boyfriend

Ad: an you're my girlfriend

So they weren't officially dating, it was more of a test round to see if it would work out. They would secretly meet up at the park and walk around together  or just FaceTime after Harley went to bed. No one knew and it went pretty well until....

From Upstairs

H: "Hey Adison! I'm using your phone to call Angelica real quick! My phone died!"

From Downstairs

Ad: "no! Harley don't touch my phone!"

Harley grabs Adison's phone and goes to Angelica sees that they've been talking and facetiming all the time. Adison runs into his room, Harley has a wicked look on her face and doesn't look too happy.

H: "how come you and Angelica have been facetiming for 5 hours every night? And why is there a heart and kissy face by her name?!"

Ad: "it's nothing! My friend did that to be funny"

H: "and which friend was that Adison?"

Ad: "Asa"

H: "so if I call Asa right now, he will tell me that he did that"

Ad: "or maybe it was another friend. I'm not sure which one"

H: "Adison! You are such a liar!"

Alex, Lauren and Olivia come running upstairs

A: "Hey, what's going on???"

H: "Adison has been facetiming Angelia for 5 hours every night and has a heart and kissy face by her name."

L: "Adison, is that true?"

Ad: "m-maybe"

H: "Adison, tell me the truth, are you guys dating?"

Ad: "y-yes"

H: "For how long?"

Ad: "it's been a week"

H: "are you joking?! You guys have hid this from me! I was actually going to call and tell her I don't mind you guys dating, but the fact that you guys lied to me and hid it from me completely changes my mind. You guys didn't even consider me! Not only will I lose my best friend, but I'm gonna lose my brother too!" (Cries)
Why would you do this to me?"

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