Soccer camp

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About a week after the incident, it happens to be spring break. Harley and her best friend Angelica are leaving for a week for soccer camp.

L: "alright Harley, bring me your suitcase and your soccer bag so I can make sure you have everything."

H: "okay" (runs upstairs) "here you go mom"

L: "alright, cleats, shin guards, socks, uniform, water jug, head bands. Okay and your suitcase, alright, yep! You are all packed and ready. Okay, Mrs. Smith (Angelica's mom) will be here in 30 minutes to come get you. Run upstairs and grab your blanket and pillow."

H: "okay, I'm so excited for soccer camp!"

A: "hey baby"

L: "hey! You're back from the gym early"

A: "yeah, they were closed"

L: "oh, that's weird"

A: "yeah, anyway, where are the kids?"

L: "Harley is getting her things together for camp, Olivia is napping, and Adison is at the water park with Asa."

A: "what time does Harley leave?"

L: "Ally is gonna be here in like 20 minutes to get her."

H: "hey Dad!"

A: "hey Hare Bear! You ready for soccer camp?"

H: "yeah! My whole team is going to be there and we get to share a cabin! And it's for a whole week!"

A: "well Harley, since you'll be gone for a bit, I got you something so you can talk to us everyday. Here, a new phone."

H: "wow! Thanks Dad!"

A: "but Harley, only use it when you want to call us. Other than that, leave it in the cabin and don't use it for anything else, you are there to have fun and learn, okay?"

H: "okay dad"

Knock Knock Knock

H: "I'll get it! Hey Angelica!"

An: "hey! Are you ready? My mom is going to drive us to the feild and we are going to take a van with our team to the camp."

H: "awesome!! Let's go! Bye Mom, bye dad, bye moose. Tell Adison and Olivia I love them. Love you guys!"

L: "Bye Hare Bear, have fun"

A: "bye honey"

Once Harley took off, Alex and Lauren just watched TV until Olivia woke up.

A: "I'll get her."

Alex headed upstairs where Olivia was standing up in her crib waiting to be held.

O: "daddy!" (Laughs)

A: "hey Livvy, how was your nap?"

O: "good"

A: "awesome, let's change your pull up"

Once he was done changing her pull up, they headed downstairs.

L: "hi munchkin! You took a long nap!"

A: "when is Adison going to be home?"

L: "oh, he's staying two nights at Asa's so we just have Olivia."

A: "oh, alright."

They just spent the rest of the day chilling and thats about it

Fun Fact: I've been playing soccer for 4 and a half years and my soccer team is called Blue Fusion just like Harley's team!

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