Its A........

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Alex and Lauren got a call from the doctor saying the results are in and they have the gender.

And so the moment you've all been waiting for....

The new baby...

Is A...


L: "yay awesome! Thank you so much. Have a great day"

A: "so? What is it?"

L: "its a girl!"

A: "awesome baby!"

L: "Harley! Adison! Come here please!"

H: "yes?

A: "we know the gender of the baby now!"

Ad: "yay! What is it?"

H: "is it a girl? Is it?"

L: "well......its a girl!"

H: "yay! I get a little sister! What's her name?"

A: "we don't have a name yet. What names do you like Hare Bear?"

H: "um... Riley!"

L: "hmm. I'll think about it. Because I think I have a name"

Ad: "what name do you like mom?"

L: "well I like a few names, but dad and I have to talk about it"

Ad: "when will our sister be here?"

A: "in 6 months"

H: "thats a long time daddy, can't she come quicker"

L: "oh no. I hope she doesn't come early like they did"

A: "I hope not"

Ad: "what do you mean we came early?"

L: "well, babies stay in the tummy for 9 months, you guys only stayed for 6 months."

H: "well there's not much room in the tummy mom. Cut us some slack"

L: "Harley Kate, where did that come from"

H: "where did what come from"

L: "never mind, what time is it babe?"

A: "1:35"

L: "okay guys, time to go outside and play"

Ad: "want to play tag Harley?"

H: "sure, but have fun trying to catch me!"

A: "man, they are crazy"

L: "I know. They are getting so big. They will be six right after she's born"

A: "speaking of that, what names were you thinking of?"

L: "well I have two, I really like Olivia Jade or Camilla Sophia"

A: "those are nice, I didn't really have any names in mind for a girl"

L: "which one should we name her?"

A: "I want to name her.....

To Be Continued

Okay, you guys vote which name they should name the baby

Olivia Jade or Camilla Sophia

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