All the money I don't care

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Alex went and picked up the kids that night while lauren went out looking for Moose

H- where is mommy this time
Ad- did she fly away to never be seen
A- no, um. Mommy went for a walk
H- at dark time? Mommy is crazy
Ad- what if a monster gets her
A-mommy will be fine.

They get to the house and they go inside where Lauren is on the couch crying.

Ad- mommy! Did the monster get you! I told you a monster would get her dad!
H- are you okay?
L- I'm okay guys. And a monster didn't get me. Mommy is just sad
Ad- why?
L- well. Moose is gone
H- he is!? How?
Ad- the monster got him too!
A- so, what's the update.
L- every one we know looked everywhere, animal control looked everywhere. They can't find him.
A- so he's gone
L- he's gone. (Cries) I would give all the money I had to get him back. I don't care. I love that dog so much.

A few months later

Moose is still gone. They look for him when they get the chance but he's no where in sight. It was a Saturday morning and Adison and Harley were watching tv while Alex and Lauren were in the office working.

H- wanna play hide and seek?
Ad- sure! You count
H- okay. 1 2 3-

Ad- (whispers) I need dads help to hide.

Adison tiptoes to the office.

Ad- (whispers) dad, Harley and me are playing hide and seek, where should I hide?
A- why dont you hide under your bed?
Ad- yeah good idea

H- 56 57 58 59 60! Ready or not! Here I come! Maybe mommy knows where he is

L- yes?
H-do you know where Adison is hiding?
L-nope. Go find him yourself.
H- darn. Okay

After searching everywhere, she goes into their room.

H- Adison? I checked every where. I know your in here.
Ad- how did you know?
H- hey! You aren't supposed to come out till I find you.
Ad- oh well.
H- lets go downstairs and do something
Ad- like what?
H- um. Oh I got an idea. You distract mom and dad while I sneak cookies from the pantry

Adison goes into Alex and Lauren's office while Harley goes to the kitchen

Ad- hello!
L- hey bubba, what's up?
Ad- um. What are you guys doing
L- we're working.
Ad- are you almost done. We want to go swimming
L- almost buddy.  Now, where's Harley?
Ad- she's. Um. Using the bathroom! Yeah that's what she's doing
L- (laughs) okay buddy. Now go on. Let us work.
Ad- okay. See you later

A- they're doing something they shouldn't be.
L- oh of course. Harley is doing something while he distracts us.
A- they are pretty smart kids
L- yep

H- Adison, I got them.
Ad- how many did you get?
H- I don't know, I just stuck my hand in the cookie jar and grabbed them.
Ad- well, let me see! 1-2-3. Only 3? We have to split that one
H- okay. Here.
Ad-yumm- (gasp) I hear them coming, hide your cookies

Harley and Adison run and open a drawer and put their cookies in it.

A- what are you guys up to?
H- nothing daddy, why?
A- well first of all, you have cookie crumbs all over your face.
Ad- those aren't cookies crumbs. Its um, dirt!
A- why would you guys have dirt on your face?
H- because we played in it?
L- mhm. We know you guys stole cookies from the jar. What's my rule?
Ad/H- no cookies before dinner
L-okay. Now both of you can have nap time
H- not nap time!
Ad- I want to swim!
L- nap, now

Adison and Harley go up stairs and lay down for a nap

A- (sighs) So I got an email again. Someone thinks they found moose.
L- every time we get that email, they either lie, or its not moose.
A- yeah. But doesn't hurt to see. I'm gonna go see if its him
L-okay baby. Call me if it is.
A- I will. I love you
L- I love you too.

Alex got there and he knocked on the door. When the door opened, Moose ran out and started jumping on Alex.

A-moose! Oh my gosh thanks so much for saving him.

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