Not So good anniversary

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Today is Alex and Lauren's anniversary of the day Alex asked Lauren out. November 6th. That was 4 years ago! Lauren was still asleep with the twins beside her (who are now 5 months old)

Alex was setting up downstairs. He had balloons everywhere, all of Lauren's favorite snacks on the counter, a giant teddy bear, moose was even in a tux like last time. He had a ton of presents for her too and cards.

Alex walks upstairs and wakes up Lauren

A-baby, time to get up. I have a surprise for you downstairs.
L-give me 10 minutes please.
A-okay (kisses her)

Lauren got up and threw her hair in a ponytail. She grabbed Harley while Alex grabbed Adison and they headed downstairs.

L-I'm nerbyyyyy
A-don't be, your gonna love this. Now look

L-(Gasp) OMG! BABY I LOVE IT! (She starts tearing up) I love you so much!

Alex wraps his arm around Lauren while kissing her head.

A-I love you too, now, put them in their high chairs and open your presents.

L-oka- omg! Look at moose!!! Hi Moosie Bear!

A-okay present number one.

L-I'm gonna open the card first

Dear Lauren,
Happy Anniversary baby! I can't believe we have been together for 4 years! You and the kids have been the biggest blessing of my life. You are my best friend and will always be my best friend. I want to give you this gift to realize how far we have come together.

Lauren takes out the first present. Which is a picture book with every picture they took together.

L-omg you dug deep baby! These pictures are from so long ago! Omg when we first got Moosie!!!! Paris, YouTube fan fest. O. M. G. The day we found out we were pregnant! I love this so much! I love you

A-I love you too baby.

Alex and Lauren waited for the baby sitter, once she got there, they left for a day to themselves. Once it got to dinner time, the hospital called saying that the babysitter was in a wreck with the babies. They rushed to the hospital to find out that the babysitter passed away, and the babies were barely making it.

Doc- Mr. And Mrs.Burriss I need you to please call down.
Doc- do it for them. Please. If you stay calm. It'll be better
A-he's right, baby. Lets just stay calm for them.

Alex and Lauren were given alone time with the twins. They were hooked on to many wires and unconscious.

A-5 months. 5 months old. They are only 5 months old!!! And this happened because of some idiot that doesn't have the mind to drive!!!!
L-baby, please calm down
A-I can't. I just can't. I promised you I would be the best dad to these kids, I might not even be able to keep them alive.
L-baby, they are going to make it. And you are the best dad in the entire world
A-no, I'm not. I vowed that I would always protect you guys. I can't loose you guys. It would crush me.
L-Alex, I would never leave you. We just need to stay strong for them. We need to stay by their side.
A-yeah, you're right.

The doctor came in and talked with Alex and Lauren

D-okay, so Adison has a very minor concussion and a broken arm. Harley has brain damage and a broken nose.
But I talked with the head boss, and they will be okay. They just need to stay in the hospital for about a month.

              To Be Continued

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