Starting Day care and Baz takes a visit

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It's about a month after the party and they can start going to daycare. Alex and Lauren want them to go to daycare because they will be going to public school once they are old enough. At 10am Alex and Lauren get the kids up and take them downstairs for breakfast.
L- did you sleep good Adison?
L- good baby
A-what about you Harley?
A- good

They put them in their high chairs and gives them Cheerios and milk.

A-(yawn) I'm so tired.
L-me too. I don't know why Harley wouldn't sleep last night. I think she was just not feeling well.
A- well she seems better now, so that's good.
L-yeah. (Yawn) man. We have a lot to do today. We have so many places to go and places to be.
A-after we drop them off, I'm gonna go to the gym.
L-okay. That's fine.
A-Well, it looks like they're done eating.
L- let's give them baths and get them ready.

After the finish getting them ready, they pack their backpacks and lunches.

L-okay. That's it. Now let's head out.

They get there and there is a nice woman named Mrs. Lillian

ML-Hi there! My name is Mrs. Lillian. How may I help you?
A-Hi Mrs. Lillian. We are here to drop off our kids for the day.
ML-may I have their name, age and what class they are going into
A-Adison and Harley, 1 year and the regular class.
ML-okay! If you would just follow me this way. This is our class for ages 1-3. You can just put their bags in this cubby and that should be all.
L-awesome. Okay, thank you so much. Have a good day!
ML-you too!
A/L- bye guys, we love you!!

Alex and Lauren stopped by Denny's to eat some breakfasts.

A-this is so weird not having the kids here
L-I know. But at the same time, its kinda nice. We can get things done easier
A- true. But I'm not gonna lie. I miss them already.
L-me too. Separation anxiety is so real. But we have to get used to them not being with us at all times. Especially when they start school.
A-yeah. I know. Anyway let's finish eating and head back to the house.

They headed back to the house and Alex left to go to the gym. Lauren cleaned up around the house while watching YouTube.
L-come on Moosie, go in the backyard

Knock Knock Knock


B-hi Lauren
L-Baz? What are you doing here?
B-I just thought I'd stop by and see how you've been. I know I came out of the blue but we also haven't talked in a while.
L-um, okay. Sure, come in.

L-please excuse the mess. I was in the middle of cleaning.
B-no worries

Lauren hands Baz a glass of water

B-so I see you have baby stuff. You have kids?
L-yeah, twins actually.

Lauren points to a picture of them on the wall.

L-thats them right there
B-wow, those are some gorgeous babies
L- (smiles) thanks. Anyway. How have you been?
B-pretty good. I just got engaged actually.
L- congratulations
B-thanks. You're married, right?
L-yeah. I've been married for about 3 years.
B-thats amazing. Honestly I'm so glad we can be friends and not have it be weird, ya know?
L-yeah. Same.

After about 30 minutes, Baz left and Lauren continued cleaning

A- hey baby, I'm home
L-hey, ew, omg you are so sweaty
A- yeah, I know. I'm gonna go shower.
L- (laughs) okay baby

After Alex gets out the shower, he heads downstairs to see lauren playing with Moose.

L-hey, what time is it?
A- 2:37
L- oh. Okay. I'll order lunch.
A- sounds good

Lauren and Alex Sat on the couch while she ordered lunch

L-you won't believe who stopped by today
A- he did? Did you invite him?
L- no, that's the weird part, he just showed up
A- how does he know where we live?
L-well, I told him
A- why?
L-I don't know. I just did
A-what did he say?
L-we were just catching up
A- oh. Okay

Alex and Lauren's lunch got there so they watched Netflix while eating

L-its 3 so after we eat, we can head to Target, and then get the kids

Alex and Lauren finish eating, they put moose in his crate and head to Target

L-okay,  let's get what we need.  Then we can go get my babies.
A- I honestly feel like I haven't seen them in a long time.
L-me too

Alex and Lauren finish shopping and head to get the kids from daycare.  When they walk in,  there is Mrs. Lilian at the front desk.

ML- Good afternoon Mr and Mrs Burriss!  You ready to get the twins?
L-yes please
ML-alright,  this way please

They walk into the room where Adison and Harley are playing together.
ML-they haven't left each other's side at all today.  They even had to nap in the same crib.
A-they must be shy.
L-Adison,  Harley,  come over here!
Ad- Dada!!!

The twins come running to Alex and Lauren  laughing and screaming.  Alex and Lauren scoop them up.
A- how was your day Bubba? 
Ad- yes!
A-(laughs)  that's good
L-what about you Hare Bear?
H-good mommy
L-awesome baby

ML- here is their report paper based on how they did today, their bags,  and the pictures they painted today!
L-how cute!
A- they will be a D.I.Y prince and princess in no time.
L-yeah I know right!
A- well anyway.  Let's get going

Alex and Lauren went home and just finished their night until they went to bed

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