Christmas Day

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Everyone headed downstairs to see a whole bunch of presents underneath the tree.

L- look guys! Santa left you presents!
H-yay! (Laughs)
Ad- Santa nice
A- that's cause you are a good boy all the time
Ga- are we ready to open presents?
H/Ad- yeah!
Gr- okay, this present is for Adison

L- open it buddy, what is it?
Ad- daddy, help please
A- okay buddy. Here ya go
Ad- (gasp) it's a truck!
Gr- that's from Grammy and Grandpa Ad- dank you!
Gr- okay Harley, here is your present
H- yay!
L- what is it?
H- A dolly!

After Adison and Harley finished opening their presents, they played with them while the adults opened their presents.

A- okay Lauren, this one is for you. From me
L- thank you, baby

L- omg, this is such a beautiful necklace

They finish opening presents then they play Christmas movies and make ginger bread houses.

The next morning Alex, Lauren and the twins get up at 4am and head to the airport to go to North Carolina.

L- (whispers) baby, I dont want to wake up them up so lets just get them in their carseats.

Alex grabs their luggage and Lauren grabs the twins and they head out. When they get to the airport, they get some breakfast while they wait for their flight. By the time they got there breakfast, the twins had woke up. So Alex gave them some of his breakfast and handed them their sippy cups.

L- okay, our flight is in 30 minutes so once we finish eating, we change their diapers and head over to our gate to get on the plane

A- sounds good.

Once they got all that done, they headed on the plane, but this time they were only able to get two seats but that was okay cause they all fell asleep anyway. Their flight lands at 8 and Adam picks them up from the airport. They get to the house and sleep in for an extra hour.

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