Day out

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I'm so sorry I've been lagging in chapters. Now, on with the story

About a week later, the grandparents flew back home. Alex and Lauren normally try to keep the babies home because they don't want them getting sick, but today, they were very busy and had arrons to run. They had to go to Super Target, Wal-Mart, Michaels, Pet-co and the mall.

L-okay, Alex, is Adison ready?
A-yep. I put him in this button up, plaid shirt, with some jeans and converse.
L-slick his hair back and brush his gums please.
A-okay, while I do that, give me Harley's OOTD.
L-(smirks) okay. She is wearing this red dress with white leggings, black boots, and this red bow.
A-I like, I like. Okay, lets get them in their carseats.
L-I'll do it, will you grab the diaper bags, and my purse. Oh and please put Moosie in his crate.

About 30 minutes later, they got to their first destination.
Alex put the babies in the stroller. Him and Lauren walked around the store just talking and grabbing anything they needed.
A-what it is, what it be, what it do doe! Welcome back to another weekly vlog. Today is Monday and we are currently out doing some arrons. And I know what your thinking, "Alex, I thought you guys don't like the babies to leave the house" we don't, but the babysitter called in sick today, so we took them with us.
L-ooo, baby, look at this!
A-what is it?
L-A dog toy!
A-(laughs) baby, we don't need anymore dog toys.
L-yes we do! Right babies?

L-see? Adison just smiled which means we need it.
A-(smirks) okay. Okay

After Target, they headed to Wal-Mart

A-okay, I will grab a cart, you push the stroller this time.
L-okay. Deal
As they were shopping, they ran into Roni and Aaron.
R-hey guys! Nice bumping into you
L-oh! Hey guys. We're just out running arrons
Aa-with the babies? Where is the baby sitter?
A-she's sick
Aa-Ohhh. Anyway. We haven't seen you guys in a few.
L-we've been so busy we haven't had time to do much. But, Mia is going to watch the twins tonight so Alex and I can have a night to ourselves.
R-don't get too naughty (laughs)
A-Roni! Not around the kids (laughs)
L-baby, they are three weeks old, they can't understand us.

They walked around the store shopping, after all their arrons, they stopped at Denny's for lunch.
They left the stroller in the car and brought the babies in their carseats.

L-man, I am so hungry. What are you getting babe?
She begins to take Harley out her carseat.
A-steak, broccoli and mashed potatoes. What about you?
L-probably the same tbh. Will you take him out and feed him please.
A-of course my lady.
L-(baby voice) hey mamas! Are you ready to eat? I bet you are.
Lauren begins to feed her while they wait for the waiter.
A-Adsion. Lets get right to it. Time to eat.
L- we should have nicknames for them
A-popcorn chicken!
L-wait, that it actually really cute. Because chicken nugget, chicken tender. Omg. Okay yeah. Loveeee it

They ordered their food, and put the babies back in their carseats so they could nap. Their food came a while later.

A-your food good?
L-yeah, yours?
L-so, what do you want to do tonight?
A-I thought we could, go see a movie, or maybe bowling. Just something to get us out the house, Because we've been staying inside a lot lately.
L-true, and bowling does sound fun.
They finished eating and headed out to bring the twins to Mia's for the night.
L-okay, do they have everything?
M-I'm so excited! Sleep over with the best auntie ever!
All- Laugh
A-thanks again Mia, so much
L-yeah, really. We owe you one.
M-no problem. I would watch these monkeys any day.
A-okay, well we'll stop by in the morning?
M-well, I know you don't like them out. But can I take them to a photo shoot with me tomorrow?
L-umm, what'd you think, Alex?
A-yeah, just make sure they don't touch the ground. Or grass. Or a tree. Or a rock. Or a-
L-we get it Alex (laughs).

Alex and Lauren went bowling, went out for dinner, and went home for the night.

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