And so it begins

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Alex and Adison had and hour drive ahead of them till they got to their hotel. Alex stopped to get gas, so he let Adison pick out a snack and a drink.

A-okay buddy, pick whatever you want.
Ad- hmm.. Can I get a candy?
A- no buddy, no candy
Ad- okay, then I will get this bag of Cheetos and apple juice
A- that's what you want?
Ad- yep!

Alex grabbed him a water, they paid, got gas and left.

Back at the house

The girls were swimming around in the pool, as well as Moose

H- Angelica, can you do this?

Harley goes under water and does a handstand

Angelica- no way! How cool! I want to try
L- be careful Angelica

Angelica goes under and does a handstand too.

Angelica- did you see that Harley? Did you? Did you?
H- yeah! It was so cool!

They swam a little bit longer and got out. Mia came over to hang out with them for a bit.

M- I'm here!
H- auntie Mia!

Harley runs and gives Mia a hug

M- hi honey!
H- where is Catherine?
M- she's with your uncle Kyle, they went to the zoo.
Angelica- I want to go to the zoo!
H- me too! Can we please go to the zoo mommy? Please?
L- you want to Mia?
M- I don't mind
L- okay, go up stairs and get ready

Harley and Angelica run upstairs to get ready

At the hotel

Alex and Adison made it to the hotel. They brought their stufd into their hotel room.

Ad- woah! Two beds! I can have my own!
A- (laughs) that's right, that whole bed all to yourself.
Ad- thanks dad! (Hugs Alex)
A- no problem buddy. Now, what would you like to do?
Ad- can we go to the water park now?
A- not today, we will go tomorrow.
Ad- can we go see a movie?
A- sure thing

Back at the house

As soon as the girls got upstairs, Lauren decided to tell Mia

L- so, I have something amazing to tell you and you're going to freak
M- what is it?
L- I'm pregnant
M- No you're not!
L- yes I am
M- omg! I'm so excited! Another baby Burriss! Did you tell Alex?
L- yeah. Only you and Alex. Dont tell anyone else.
M- I wont. Omg I'm so happy! How far along?
L- a month
M- are you showing?
L- yeah, see
M- aww, its so little. Omg I'm so excited I can buy baby stuff again.

As they were talking, Angelica and Harley came downstairs

H- we're ready mom!
L- okay, let's go.

They all leave and head over to the zoo.

Adison and Alex

A- okay buddy, what do you want to see?
Ad- um. I don't know. You pick
A- okay. Its a surprise.
Ad- can we get popcorn?
A- sure

They get to the movies and they get slushies and popcorn

Ad- dad, can I please get candy?
A- (sigh) okay buddy. I don't see why not.

At the zoo

They get to the zoo and meet up with Kyle, Catherine and Joshua

M- hey baby
K- hey
C- mom look, I got cotton candy
M- I see that honey! Can I have some
C- sure!
H- Hi Catherine!
C- (gasp) Harley! Look mom, its cousin Harley!
M- I see baby
H- do you want to stay at my house with my best friend Angelica?
C- sure! Can I mom?
M- can she Lauren?
L- of course she can. Now lets go look at the animals

Lauren rents a wagon for the girls to sit in. They walk around for a few hours then they go out to eat.

An- We should order the same food!
C- can I pick?
H- sure!

Alex and Adison

After the movie, they go out to eat and head back to the hotel.

Ad- I had fun today dad
A- I did too buddy.
Ad- I'm ready for bed
A- okay, well get in your pjs
Ad- okay

Ad- alright. I'm ready for bed
A- goodnight buddy
Ad- goodnight love you
A- love you too

When Adison falls asleep, Alex facetimes Lauren

A- hey
L- hey, where's Adison
A- he's sleeping. What about the girls.
L- they are watching cartoons downstairs
A- can you call Harley upstairs real quick
L- yeah. Harley! Come here please

H- yes mam?
L- daddy wants to talk to you
H- hi daddy
A- hi Hare Bear. Are you having fun?
H- yeah.
A- okay, well make sure you don't stay up late, okay?
H- yes sir. I love you dad, goodnight
A- goodnight. I love you too
L- shes too cute
A- yeah, she is. Anyway. How are you doing
L- pretty good. I have an appointment tomorrow. So I'm going to drop them off at Mia's in the morning.
A- is it an ultrasound?
L- yeah. They are also going to check the heart beat.
A- I wish I could be there. Do you want me to come
L- no its okay. You enjoy your trip.
A- okay, thanks baby. Well, I'm gonna go to bed because we arw getting up early to head to the water park
L- okay baby, have fun. I love you
A- I love you too

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