Saying Goodbye

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It's 5 years later, Adison and Harley are graduated highschool and are now packing for college. Harley got q scholarship for soccer and Adison got one for football.

O: I'm gonna miss you so much Harley"

H: "I'm gonna miss you too Livvy"

O: "can I help you pack?"

H: "be my guest"

O: "so, is Angelica your roommate?"

H: "yeah, we made it"

O: "even though she's dating Adison?"

H: "they've been dating for 3 years Livvy, I don't care, she's my best friend and he's my brother."

O: "I'll be right back, I'm gonna see if Adison needs help."

H: "okay"

O: "hey Adison, do you- woah, your room is so empty. I guess your done packing?"

Ad: "yep, it's so weird, I've lived here my whole life, now I'm leaving."

O: "your gonna visit, right?"

Ad: "of course."

After Adison and Harley finished packing, they went downstairs. The kids, Alex and Lauren went back on old memories.

L: "oh, hahaha I got one, there was a time, when you two were like one and we were in the old nursery, and you two were running around the room screaming and laughing. It was so cute. Then, Harley threw a building block at Alex because he was tickling Adison."

A: "that was a good day. Or when Adison's first word was Moose and not daddy or mommy"

Ad: "I loved that dog"

H: "oh hahahaha, remember when Olivia brought a rat here"

O: "hahahahahaha that was funny, and Adison screamed like a little girl"

Ad: "rats aren't something to mess with"

A: "or, one time, I believe you guys were like three, and we were in Canada for Christmas, and we were at this restaurant and Harley threw her hot chocolate on the ground, it went everywhere."

Ad: "Do you guys remember when Harley's clear fell off when she took a shot"

H: "it went in though."

Ad: "so did your cleat"

L: "man, I'm going to miss you guys so much. You guys will always be my babies."

O: "what about me?"

L: "you're my baby too of course"

A: "I remember bringing you home from the hospital, it was amazing. I was so happy"

H: "I can't believe we are going all the way to Florida"

A: "remember, you guys are about to become professionals."

H: Angelica should be here soon, then um, we're heading off to the airport."

O: "be safe"

Ad: "group hug guys"

About an hour later, Angelica arrived. Everyone helped the twins load their stuff in the car.

Ad: "I think that's it"

H: "I'm going to miss this place"

A: "I love you guys"

L: "we love you so much"

O: "go and show em who's boss"

Ad: "I love you guys more than anything"

H: "I love you"

Adison and Harley were about to get into the car, when

A: "hey kids"

Ad/H: "yeah?"

A: "do me a favor, and don't forget to remember"

All: "if you're not smiling, you're doing it wrong"

That was it, they pulled off with Angelica, they were gone.

The End

I can't tell you how much I appreciate every single person who has read this story. This story means so much to me. Alex and Lauren inspire me so much and I know they will make great parents one day. But that's all for today, so don't forget to remember that if you're not smiling you're doing it wrong *

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