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A-What it is, What it be, what it doe doe!! Welcome back to a new vlog. So I've been editing a video for about an hour. Lauren is at Target with Remi.
I have a pretty busy week but that won't stop me from vlogging. But I will say that you guys are going to have a lot of montages in the vlogs.
I have Fousey, Aaron, and Swoozie coming over to help me get the nursery ready. We are turning the bedroom across the hall from our room into a nursery. We are still deciding if we just want them to be in seperate rooms since they will want ones by the time they are like 8. 

Lauren walks through the door with bags. Alex turns of the camera and helps her.
A-Hey, how was your outting
L-it was good. I got you Starbucks
A-Thanks baby
L- So I bought a couple of things for the nursery. I got this sign that says
"A Princess sleeps here"  and one that says "A Prince sleeps here". I thought they were cute.  Then I bought these cute booties. There is a green pair and a purple pair so.
A-I like it, I like it.
L-and I bought a few packs of baby bottles, pacifiers, and formula. You can never be too prepared. Oh and baby proofing stuff.
A-wow, you are 7 months ahead of the game.
L-I am, aren't I. I just want to make sure they have everything they possibly need before they come. Dang it!
L-I forgot to get outfits that they will wear once they are born.
A-baby, don't stress about it. We have plenty of time.
L-I know, I just have bad anxiety right now.
A-look, its 1pm, why don't we go see a movie or something.
L-I don't know. We have so much to do. We don't have time.
A-look, go hang out with your friends, have a good day. I will take care of everything.
L-really babe?
A-yes. Now, I love you, have a good time
L-I love you too baby. Thanks

The boys finally get there and help Alex get everything ready.
A-okay, so I put the cribs together last night. And already have furniture in there, we just need to organize it. Lauren also got some stuff we can just put in baskets for now. And we need to put the baby proofing stuff up.

Aa- already? Its way to early for that.
A-yeah, I know, but Lauren wanted it and she wants them up asap.
Aa-alright then. Where are they
A-in this bag
Aa-why did she buy 10 packs? Each pack comes with 20 baby proofers.
A-Lauren wants it that way, okay

Lauren ended up staying the night at Mia's for the night.
Alex and the boys were nearly done with the nursery, they had been working all night. 5 more hours the next day and they were done

 5 more hours the next day and they were done

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