Goodbye Moose

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Lauren and Alex had already dropped the kids off at school. Before they left, Lauren put Moose in the backyard so he could get some fresh air. Alex dropped Lauren off at the house and headed to the gym. She went to let moose inside but...he was gone

L- Moose, come inside!....... Moose?

She looks around but she can't find him

L- Moose?! Oh my God Oh my God Oh my God. He's missing!

She calls Alex

L- come on baby, please answer

A- (panting) hey baby, what's up
L- (crying) baby
A- what's wrong?!?
L- Moose is missing
A- what? How?
L- I don't know (crying) baby please come home now. We need to find him
A- okay baby, I'm coming

Alex comes home and him and Lauren look everywhere for Moose. Mia picked up the kids from school and took them to her house so they didnt know Moose was missing.

L- what are we gonna tell the kids?
A- um um... Oh! Tell them he's at obidience school
L-okay. That's a good excuse. I just can't believe he's missing. I miss him so much.
A-we'll find him baby, we'll find him

To Be Continued

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