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*Today is actually Olivia's 2nd birthday, but I'm not  writing a  birthday chapter*
It's a normal day, the kids had been dropped off at school and Olivia was at daycare. Alex and Lauren were just cleaning around the house, going grocery shopping school just getting things done when they got a call.

L: "oh, the school is calling"

On Phone

L: "Hello?"

?: "Hello Mrs.Burriss, this is Ms.Elanor from Woods Elementary school and I need to inform you that Harley and Adison have detention all week"

L: "what? Why?"

Ms.Elanor: "Well, they decided to bring a camera to school and "vlog" what they were doing."

L: "oh my gosh, I am so so sorry for that"

Ms.Elanor: "it's okay dear, but detention gets out at 4. And they will be sent home with a form for you to sign."

L: "okay, I will be there then. Bye"

A: "what's wrong?"

L: "The twins have detention all week because they brought a vlog camera to school and started vlogging."

A: "really? Okay that's it, they can't vlog anymore"

L: "well not permanently babe, they love it so much, let's just ground them. Say a week?"

A: "yeah, sounds good, no vlogging, no electronics, and no toys "

L: "alright, I can't believe they did that. They've never been grounded before. They know not to bring anything like that out the house."

A: "what time is detention over"

L: "4"

A: "wow, I really just can't believe it. They are such well behaved kids. This is unbelievable."

L: "well, it's almost time to pick up Olivia, do you want to come with me?"

A: "I would, but Kyle asked me to help him set up a new bed for Catherine."

L: "alright, well I love you, I'll see you later"

A: "love you too baby, drive safe"

Lauren heads out to pick up Olivia. Once she gets to her daycare, she heads inside.

Mrs.W: "Hi Lauren! It's nice to see you. Are you ready to pick up Olivia?"

L: "yes please."

Mrs.W: "alright, I'll go get her"

O: "Mommy!"

L: "Hi Livvy! Did you have a good day?"

O: "yeah"

L: "awesome! Well let's go home and wait a bit till we have to go get Adison and Harley"

Mrs.W: "Have a bless day you guys! Tell the twins I said hi!"

L: "will do! Have a good day"

Lauren decided to stop at Target while she waited to pick up the twins from school. So her and Olivia headed inside and shopped around for a bit.

L: "you want a new toy Livvy?"

O: "yeah yeah!"

L: "alright, let's look at the toys, ooo, look Livvy, it's a baby Alive, Harley has a lot of these, do you want one?"

O: "yeah!"

L: "okay, here you go, let's get her accessories too"

They shop a little bit more then head over to get Adison and Harley. They go inside and Lauren has to sign a paper that says

Your Child(ren) have Violated the Woods Elementary rules and have to sentence a week in detention for bringing cameras to school and filiming. If they violate any laws of this sort again, they will be in school suspension for a week. Please sign here if you agree with the terms.

Ally Brooke, Principal
Woods Elm.

X. Lauren K. Burriss

Harley and Adison come into the office where Lauren and Olivia were waiting.

Ad/H: "Hi Mom"

L: "let's go home, you guys are in huge trouble."

H: "we are so sorry mom, we will never do it again."

Ad: "please don't tell Dad."

L: "Dad already knows, and I know you won't do it again cause you're grounded."

Ad/H: "What?!"

L: "we'll discuss it when we get home."

Once they get to the house, Alex is already there.

L: "hey babe, we are home."

A: "Hey"

Ad/H: "hi Dad"

A: "why did you bring it to school"

Ad: "we just wanted to show the camera to our friends"

L: "we told you not to bring it out the house."

H: "we're really sorry."

A: "just so you know, you are grounded for a week, which means, no vlogging and no electronics or toys"

H: "not even night time toys?"

L: "no, now go change out of your school clothes. I will be making dinner soon"

Ad/H: "okay mom"

Do you think the punishment was fair?

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