Alex returns

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Alex had got back on the day Lauren had an ultra sound just to check on the twins. She is 3 months today. He wouldn't be back in time though, so Mia went with her.
M-alright. Are you ready babe
L-babe? (Laughs)
M-well since Alex isnt here. I will take his place.
L-okay, "babe"

At the hospital

D-okay, Mrs. Burriss, how are you doing.
L-I'm doing good actually. Its been very easy so far.
D-it will be easy for now. I'd say once you are 4 months, it'll be tough.  Now, we are going to get an ultra sound. Any questions before we get started.
L-yeah, actually, so I know its very early, but one of the twins is already kicking a lot.
D-how often?
L-i'd say, at least 3-5 times a day
D-okay, well we should be able to see which twin is doing it once we get the ultra sound.

L-Mia, hold my hand
M-(laughs) why?
L-(laughs) just do it.

D-alright, so right here is the girl, and this is the boy right behind her.
L-so the girl is kicking?
D-yes mam.
L-oh okay.
M-Harley is a kicker. And Adison just. Sits there. (Laughs)

A few hours later, Mia and Lauren parted ways. Lauren went to get Alex from the airport.

A-(getting in the car)- hey baby! (Kiss)
L-hi. I missed you
A-I missed you too. How did the ultra sound go?
L- it went good, turns out the kicker has been Harley.
L- I know right

Back At Home
A-feels good to be home.
L- yeah, and it feels good to have you home. So. The doctors gave us the due date.
A-what is it.
L-September 8th

A-September 8th 2018, Harley Kate and Adison Wassabi will be here.

L-woah woah woah. We never agreed on Wassabi for Adison's middle name. Remember? We said it would be Jax.
A-come on, lets do wassabi. You know how much that name means to me.
L-yes, baby, I do. But his middle name isn't gonna be Wassabi.
L- baby, our son's middle name won't be a sauce
A-you got to pick Harley's full name. Let me pick his.
L-baby, no!
A-fine. Whatever. Do what you want.

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