Meeting Santa

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Lauren woke up before anyone in the house, so she went downstairs and made herself some coffee. They all had plans for today, but it was too early to start getting ready for them. She postmated some breakfast for everybody. As she was watching tv and waiting for breakfast, Gail came downstairs.

L- hey mom
Ga- hey Lauren. Are they still asleep?
L- (sighs) yeah. Harley and Adison didn't want to go to sleep last night because since they had to share a crib, they wanted to play all night
Ga- How do you like being a mom?
L- I love it, it's just hard ya know?
Ga- oh trust me, I know.

As they were talking Alex, The twins, and Greg come downstairs

H-hi mommy! Hi Grammy!
L- hi Harley
Ga- hi baby
L- good morning baby
A- good morning
Ad- mommy?
L-yeah baby?
Ad- more juice
L- you want more juice?
Ad- yeah

Gr- so what time are we going to the Elf thing
Ga- aren't we going out to eat first?
A- I want to. What about you babe?
L-yeah I want you eat first because they will want to eat before we go. This will be their second Christmas but they will really be able to enjoy it this time and I'm excited. Are you excited to see Santa?
H-yeah! (Laughs) Santa Santa!!
Ad- we go now?
L- no baby, not now
Ad- oh
A- Adison, Harley, come get your juice!

They all got ready to go to "Santa's workshop" And since it was snowy and cold in Canada they were all bundled up. They first went out to eat donuts and coffee. Well hot chocolate for the twins.

Gr- this weather is crazy
Ga- I know. Every winter
A- I wish it snowed in L.A, it's always so hot there
L- no way. That snow would be to hectic.
Ad- mommy?
L- yes honey?
Ad- eat eat
L- we have to wait honey

When no one was looking, Harley grabbed her drink and threw it on the floor

A- Harley Kate! Why did you do that?
H- (laughs) it fun daddy!
A- no, not fun. Harley no more hot chocolate for now
H- (cries)

Lauren gets some napkins and cleans it up.

Everyone finishes eating and they head to Santa's work shop. When they got there, Alex got out the double stroller and once he buckled them in, Lauren gave them a blanket even though they were warm enough.

Ga- okay, are you guys ready to meet Santa?
Ad/H- yeah!
Gr- they are literally Lauren when she was younger
L- you think? They act more like Alex
Ga- it's really a combination of both of y'all.

They walked around to the different activities they had and once it was time to meet Santa, Adison and Harley we're too excited. Alex and Lauren took them out the stroller while they were in line.

H- look daddy! Santa!
A- yeah! He is going to give you presents for being a good girl all year

Ad- who dat mama? Is dat Santa!
L- yes honey! It's Santa.
Ad- yay! (Laughs)

They got to the front of the line and the twins sat on Santa's lap.

Ad- hi Santa
H- look mommy! Santa
L- (laughs) yeah! It's Santa! Tell him what you want for Christmas
H- Dolly!
Santa- you want a Dolly? Have you been a good girl this year?
H- yeah! (Laughs)
Santa- what about you young man?
Ad- juice!
Santa- ho ho ho! You want Juice? Have you been a good boy?
Ad- yeah!
Santa- I will indeed get you those things! Merry Christmas!

Alex puts them back in their strollers.
H- bye bye
Ad- bye Santa!

They went back home and Alex gave them a bath and put them in their pj's.
Actual Christmas wasn't for another week, but they would be in North Carolina on Christmas. So they decided to celebrate Christmas at Gail and Greg's the next day.  They all sat in the kitchen and made cookies for Santa then they watched a movie and went to bed.

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