Spending time with Remi

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Adison had a doctors appointment today which was 2 hours away. So Harley went over to Remi's house for the day.

L-okay, so her swim stuff is in that bag and her other stuff is in this bag.  we will be back in the morning to get her since we'll get back late
R-okay!  So excited to have a little sleepover with her.  She can just sleep in my room right?
L-yeah.  She loves to cuddle.  Normally when she sleeps with us,  she sleeps on Alex's stomach so she likes that too.
R-okay.  Well we're going to have so much fun.  We'll go to the beach and to the mall.
L-how fun!  Does that sound like fun Harley?
A-oh also,  don't give her any candy or soda.  chips and she is allergic to almonds and cats.
R-got it. what words can she say?
A-she can say eat, drink, bottle, Binky, mommy, daddy, Bubba, yes and no, hi and bye
R-okay.  So she has a pretty small but big vocabulary.
L-yeah.  I would say so.  Anyway.  We gotta get going so come give us kisses and hugs harley.
H-bye bye
A-bye Hare Bear.  We'll see you tomorrow, be good for Auntie Remi

Alex and Lauren leave so Remi starts getting Harley ready for the beach. 

R-okay Harley.  Let's get you ready

R-you look so cute Harley! Now let's get you in your car seat and head to the beach.

Remi invited Alisha and her daughter, Skylar to the beach with them. Skylar is 1 and a half.  When they got to the beach,  they put towels on the sand, and put up the umbrellas.

Al-i brought some of Skylar's beach toys for them to play with.
R-awesome!  Let me just put sun block on Harley and they can get to playing
Al- Skylar, do you want to play with your cousin Harley?
Al-(laughs) okay honey.

Harley and Skylar played in the sand and chased each other around. While Remi and Alisha talked under the umbrella.

Al-how come you only have Harley?
R-well Adison had a doctors appointment pretty far away and Harley can't be in the car too long or she gets car sick.  So she's staying the night with me.
Al-oh okay.  (Sighs)  yeah,  after this I got to take Skylar to her dad's.  I really don't like her being there.  Even if it's just weekends. Her dad was such a jerk to me,  for all I know,  he could be so mean to her and I don't know it.
R-does she come home with cuts or bruises?
Al- I mean,  no.  But still.  I might get full time custody of her.  Because I don't trust him with her.  I just don't
R-well,  it'll go well for you.  Like I tell myself every morning,  Hustle for the prize
Al-yeah, your right. Anyway lets take them in the water. Come on Skylar.
S-coming mommy!
R-Harley,  ready to swim?

They take them into the water and they swim for a bit.  Then they go get snow cones and go back to the car.

R-I need to go home and shower,  but after we are going to the mall and then to Denny's.  Want to go?
Al- yeah,  I'll meet you at the mall after I drop her off at her dads
R-okay,  I'll see you there

Remi gets to her house and gives Harley a bath and then she puts Harley down for a nap while she showers.  After Remi is done getting dressed and ready.  She wakes up Harley and gets her ready.

R-you hungry?
H- yes
R-okay,  here's some Graham crackers.  Your dad never said you couldn't have those. But I guess I should check

On Phone
R-hey Alex,  I had a question
A-sure, what's up
R-can Harley have graham crackers?
A-sure,  just not too many.  She gets full easily
R-okay. Thanks
A-no problem

Off phone

R-okay Harley,  here you go.
They went to the mall with Alisha and then went out to eat.  Afterwards they went back home.

R-alright Harley,  time for a bath and then bed time. 

Remi put on frozen until they fell asleep.

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