4 years later

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The twins are 5 years old now. Alex is 34 and Lauren is 30. Today is Adison and Harley's first day of school.

H- but dad, why can't we stay home for a little longer?
Ad- yeah dad, why not
A- look, you guys have to go to school so you can learn
H- Learn what?
A- a lot of things. Now here are you backpacks and your lunch bags.
Ad- where is mom?
A- she is sleeping. She doesn't feel good
H- oh
A- okay the bus is here. Have a good day you guys. I love you
H- bye dad! Love you!
Ad- love you dad! Bye!

A- okay, now time to take moose out

A- hey buddy, time to go in the back.

Alex lets Moose out in the backyard and while he's outside. He cleans up around the house a bit. As he is cleaning, Lauren comes downstairs.

L- hey baby
A- hey, you feel any better?
L- not really
A- what's wrong
L- I feel nauseous and hot all the time. And I keep throwing up. I think I might be pregnant.
A- really?
L- yeah.

Alex lets moose in and him and Lauren sit on the couch. Lauren lays in Alex's lap

L- (cries) I feel so sick and I hate that I couldn't say bye to the kids on their first day of school.
A- baby, its okay. How about we get ready to go to the doctors to have a checkup.
L- okay, yeah that sounds good. I love you baby
A- I love you too.

Alex and Lauren get ready and head to the doctors

Doc- hello Mr and Mrs Burriss, what are you guys in for today
L-well, I've been feeling really nauseous and hot. And I've been throwing up a lot.
Doc- okay, well we'll do and ultrasound and make sure you aren't pregnant to start off with.

They did the ultrasound and Lauren wasn't pregnant, she just had a stomach bug. They gave her something to help her and they left.

A- do you want to stop somewhere and eat or go home and order postmates.
L- home
A- okay baby. I'm sorry your sick

They head home and Alex orders Lauren soup. He brings it to her once it gets there and eats his food. As he's eating, the kids walk in the door

Ad- hey dad! We are home from school
A-hey guys, how was school?
H- it was so good daddy! I made a new friend named Harper and she likes the same things I do!
Ad- and I made a friend named Jackson! He had an action figure like the one you have dad!
A- awesome guys! Well come sit at the table and I will get you something to eat.

H- where's mom?
A- she's-
L- here I am. Sorry guys. Mommy is sick
Ad- hi mom
H- hi mom!
L- how was school?
Ad/H- so fun!!

A few hours later, they get ready for dinner and then shower and go to bed

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