Is she Alive??

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Adison healed up about a month after the accident. Harley is still in a coma. So Aaron and Roni are caring for Adison while Alex and Lauren stay in the hospital with Harley.
Alex and Lauren were finally able to hold Harley after a whole month. Alex ran to the store to get Lauren something to eat. While he did that, Lauren was slowly rocking back and forth in a chair while holding Harley. Suddenly, Harley smiled. She hadn't made a single facial expression this whole time.
L-omg! Harley just smiled!
Lauren immediately calls Alex

On phone:
A-whats wrong?!
L-Harley just smiled!
A-wait, really??
L-yes! Our baby girl is okay! I'm going to get the doctor in here.
A-okay! I'll be there soon. I love you
L-I love you too

The doctor comes in the room and examines Harley.

D-you said she smiled?
L-yep! Is that a good sign?
D-very. It means she is with us. Now do you might if I splash a little bit of cold water on her face?
L-what's it gonna do?
A-possibly get her to open up her eyes or just wake her up more
L-okay! Just please don't get it in her nose
D-yes mam.

Alex came in right at that moment

A-I'm here!

Alex and Lauren grasp each other in a hug waiting to see if Harley will wake

D-okay, here goes nothing

L-come on Harley, be strong for mommy and daddy...
A-you got this princess...

He splashes it on her face....nothing
D-maybe it was a goodbye smile...
L-I really thought we had her...


Harley started rubbing her eyes and slowly waking up.
L-she's awake!!
Alex grabbed Harley and she started laughing.
A-are you laughing at daddy? You better stop that! (Laughs)
He gives her to Lauren
L-mommy is so glad you are okay. I love you so so so so much Hare Bear. I hope you know I was never ever going to give up on you.

Alex and Lauren only had to stay a few extra nights and then were able to take her home.

They picked up Adison from Aaron and Roni's and just had family time

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