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It's pretty early and Alex and Lauren head to the airport to head back home. They were only in NY for 2 days but eager to get home.

Back in L.A, Aaron, Roni and the kids went to go pick up Moose for Lauren.

H: "I'm so excited to see Mom and Dad, aren't you Adison?"

Ad: "yeah, I miss them. And Moose."

R: "okay guys, we are here, so let's go inside and get Moose."

After they get Moose, they go back to the house where Aaron and Olivia are taking a nap.

R: "aww, they look so cute sleeping"

Ad: "can we go watch a movie upstairs while we wait?"

R: "sure"

They go upstairs and watch a movie, when Aaron comes upstairs with Olivia

R: "hey babe, how was your nap?"

Aa: "it was good, I was just watching cartoons with Livvy and we fell asleep"

R: "oh, well Alex and Lauren landed about 30 minutes ago and should be here soon"

Aa: "alright, I'm gonna go hop in the shower"

R: "okay"

H: "did you have a good nap Livvy? I could use a nap, im pretty tired"

Ad: "me too, I'm sleeping on the way home"

Knock Knock Knock

H/Ad: Mom! Dad! They're home!

Adison and Harley run downstairs to the door

R: "no running guys!"

Roni grabs Olivia and heads downs with the twins

Harley opens the door and They immediately hug their parents

A: "hey guys! We missed you"

L: "I feel like you got so big in two days"

Ad: "come in, come in!"

O: "Mommy!"

L: (laughs) Hi baby! Did you have fun?"

R: "this was a really nice weekend, they were so well behaved"

L: "aww good. Did they have their playdates?"

R: "yes they did, they had fun"

A: "where's Aaron?"

R: "he's in the shower, he'll be out soon I'm sure."

L: "where's Moose?"

Ad: "he's in the backyard, I'll go get him."

They hung out for about and hour then they took off. They went back to the house and just stayed in for a bit.

A: "it's almost time to go school shopping, school starts soon"

Ad/H: "aww man"

A: "I thought you loved school."

H: "we do, we just don't like this girl at school"

L: "why?"

Ad: "this girl named Amelia bullies us for being twins, and she's so mean"

A: "how old is she?"

H: "she's in 5th grade, so I think she's 10 or 11"

L: "well, she is old enough not to mess with you and know better, don't worry about it, we'll handle it."

Question: when do you go back to school?

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