Parenting isn't easy

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The twins woke up about 4 times that night.
L-did you sleep well
A-does it look like I slept well
A-we finally got them to bed
L-parenting isn't gonna be easy.
A-well, no. But in our defense, we still had three more months to go.
L-yeah. We did. But nothing we can do now. They are here and we have to care for them.
A-you're right.

They ate breakfast and got ready for the day while the twins were sleeping.
They were sitting on the couch watching tv when they heard crying from the baby monitor.

A-I'll get them.
L-you sure? They might be wet and they need a bath
A-alright, come on.

L-Good morning babes. Time for a bath. I got Harley
A- and I got Adison.

After their bath, Lauren put Harley in a pink romper, a white bow, and sandals while Alex put Adison in a black and yellow onsie and some baby yeezys.

L-baby, those yeezys are for when he is 3. Those are too big.
A- I know. I just want my son to be cool like me.
L-he is already cool
A- I know. But like me
L-(smirks) okay, "" put him in some sneakers that will fit him.

Alex and Lauren went downstairs and fed the babies.
A-I still can't believe it. We are parents. That is something I never thought I'd say honestly
L-me either. I know this is gonna sound cheese, but there is no one in this world that I'd rather share my life with. I know this is only our third day with the twins, but you really are a good dad.
A-thanks baby. I feel exactly the same. I love you
L- I love you too.

About an hour later. They got ready to film a video introducing the babies.

A-(quietly) what it is, what it be, what it do doe. Welcome back to a new video. So if you follow us on twitter you know that the twins are here 3 months early. And you guys had some questions about them and the birth experience, so here we go.
So right in front of us in their bouncers, are the twins.
L-Harley Kate and Adison Wassabi. Harley was born at 6:32am and Adison was born at 7:00 am. They both weight 5 pounds and 2 ounces.
A-first question, who is older? Harley is older by 32 minutes.
L-Lauren, were you scared?  I was very scared because it was unexpected. But after I had Harley, I wasn't scared. I was literally squeezing Alex's hand which calmed me down as well.
A-yeah, my hand turned purple. Anyway, next question. Who cries more? 
A&L- Adison.
L-He cries so much. It's crazy.
A-Harley cries, but not as much.
L-Okay, is parenting hard? I'm about to have my first baby next month.
Congrats and it is at first, but I'm sure it gets easy. But then again, we have twins.
A- Are the twins Fraternal or identical? The twins are fraternal
L-yeah, and that is the best part. Even though one is a girl and one is a boy, I Would've got them mixed up if they were identical.
L-okay, last question, Who looks more like the twins? Okay, this is so ironic, because I look like Harley, and then Alex looks like Adison. I find it weird cause like boy boy and girl girl. Ya know?
A-well guys that is it for the video. We will be a little M.I.A from YouTube. But we will be active on Twitter and Instagram. And before we go, don't forget to remember, if you're not smiling, you're doing it wrong *

L-alright, swap babies with me
L-look how tiny they are!! Anyway, We need to pick up Moose from Mia's so he can meet the babies.
A-yeah, we do.
All of a sudden, Alex locks eyes with Harley, he looks into her beautiful light brown eyes. Tears drip down his face slowly onto her clothes.
L-baby? Are you okay?
A-yeah, It's just- she's so beautiful. I love her. She is a mini you and I love it. And Adison he I just love you guys so much. I've always wanted a big family like this and I finally have one.
L-baby, I love you too. This is the exact kind of family I always wanted. And I have it.  Now. Wipe your face and give me a kiss.
A-okay baby, (kiss)
L-i am going to run upstairs and grab their diaper bags, take Adison and I need you to buckle them in their carseats.
A-Okay. Baby 1 into the carseat. (Gasp) did you just smile Adison? You have your mommy's smile. (Laughs) anyway, now Harley, into the carseat. You guys are all buckled. Now we just wait for mommy.
L-alright, I got everything, lets go to Mia's.

At Mia's
L-moosie bear!! I've missed you so much! Look what dad has. Its your new brother and sister!
A-be gentle moose.

They stayed at Mia's for a few hours and went home for the day

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