Telling the world

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About a month later, Alex and Lauren are ready to tell everyone the news. They don't so YouTube as often anymore but they do want to make a video about it.

A: "Hey guys, I know its been like 2 weeks since we posted, but what we are about to tell you will make it worth it. Are you ready?"

L: "Lets do it"

A: "Lauren is having another baby!" She is currently 10 weeks and we have an appoint next week so we can get a blood test to find out the gender"

L- "and we have had an ultrasound and it is only one baby. Because I was not ready for another set of twins."

A: "But we did talk, we aren't doing a gender reveal this time. Once we find it out, we will just tell right then and there I guess."

L: "I'm excited. Oh and, the kids don't know yet. But they will in a little bit"

After the video. They call the twins into the room.

H: "hello!"

Ad: "hi"

L: "okay guys, so we have some news to tell you, and we hope you will be excited. Are you ready?"

H/Ad: "yeah yeah yeah!"

A: "well, mommy is having a baby"

H: "NO....WAY"

Ad: "are you joking?"

L: "nope! I'm having a baby"

H: "yay! I get to have a sister"

Ad: "its a girl?"

A: "we don't know yet"

Alex and Lauren eventually told EVERYONE and of course it was blowing up everywhere that they were expecting. Within that week, they were already getting gifts and cards galore.

Ad: "are you having one baby or two?"

L: "just one"

H: "when will we know if its a boy or a girl?"

A: "in about 2 weeks, but you guys will still love the baby no matter what, right?"

Ad: "right"

H: "right"

That night, Harley really wanted to pick out baby stuff. So she begged and begged

H: "please please please"

A: "Harley, we already have baby stuff from when you were a baby"

H: "the stuff in the garage?"

A: "yes, we have the stroller, crib, bouncers, play pen, toys, and clothes in there."

H: "but that stroller is for two babies"

A: "it comes apart so it can be two separate ones"

H: "oh"

A: "but we still do need more baby stuff, so you can come with me to go shopping for it next month"

H: "woohoo!"

L: (calls from downstairs) "Dinner is ready!"

Alex and Harley go downstairs where Lauren and Adison are sitting at the table.

H: "ooo spaghetti. Thanks mom"

L: "you're welcome Harley"

Ad: "do you guys have a name for the baby?"

L: "we have some names in mind, but we won't tell just yet."

Ad: "I hope its a girl. That way Harley and the baby can share a room and I can have my own"

L: "well soon you all will have your own room."

A: "do you guys want your own room?"

Ad/H: "yes please!"

A: "well sounds like a plan"

Everyone finished eating. They took showers and Alex put the twins to bed. Once he was done, he went across the hall to his and Lauren's room.

A: "okay, they are tucked in and good to go."

L: "thanks for putting them to bed."

A: "no problem."

They get in bed and just sit and talk for. While

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