meet the Grandparents pt2

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M(Maribel Alex mom) Ad(Adam Alex dad Greg (Lauren dad) Gail (Lauren mom)
L-hey guys!
A-you already got them dressed?
L-yeah, and bathed. They ate and then had tummy time.
Greg- so Lauren, how is parenting?
L-it's hard honestly, but whatever i guess
Gail-see? Now you know why you were an only child
L-ha ha mom, so funny
M-anyway guys, can we hold the babies?
L- yeah of course! Baby, will you bring your mom one of the twins
A- yep! Here you go mom, this is Harley
M-oh my goodness! She is so little! And she just has the softest hair! She looks like you, Lauren
L-I know, isn't it crazy
Ad- And Adison looks like Alex!
Greg- what are their full names?
A-Harley Kate and Adison Wassabi
Gail-you're kidding. You gave your son a middle name after a sauce? Good grief.
L-well that name means a lot to him
Greg-yeah, that's true.
L-anyway guys, lets go out to eat, dinner is on Alex and I. We can maybe go see a movie. And then come back to the house and chill.
M-how about after dinner we watch a movie here, so the babies aren't around a whole bunch of people?
A-oh yeah, I like that idea. Okay, lets do it.

They went to steak house and were there for like 2 hours. Then they went back home and watched a few movies and went to bed for the night

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