5 year skip

114 7 0

*the only reason I skip years in the future occasionally is because this story would be super long if I did every single age they turn XD*

The twins are 13, and Olivia is 7.

It's a pretty chill day, Harley and Angelica are upstairs hanging out, Adison is just on his phone, Olivia is watching TV in her room and Alex and Lauren are watching a movie.

H: "hey Mom, dad, can we go to the mall with a couple friends?"

L: "who?"

H: "Jackson and Catherine"

A: "how are you getting there?"

H: "Aunt Mia is going to pick us up."

L: "yeah, that's fine, you guys be safe, call me if you need anything"

H: "thanks"

Harley and Angelica leave about 15 minutes later.

Olivia heads into Adison's room to see what he's up to.

O: "hey Adison"

Ad: "hey Livvy, what's up?"

O: "what are you doing?"

Ad: "just texting my friends, why?"

O: "do you want to swim or something?"

Ad: "not really, ask Harley"

O: "she's not here, she went to the mall with some friends."

Ad: "oh, well, sure I'll swim with you"

O: "thanks"

Olivia and Adison head downstairs to swim

A: "you guys don't be out too long, okay? We have to go to the store later"

Ad: "okay, where's mom?"

A: "she ran out to check the mail"

Ad: "oh."

O: "okay, let's play, Marco Polo"

Ad: "alright, you start"

O: "okay, Marco!"

Ad: "Polo!"

L: "alright, here's the mail"

A: "let me see"

L: "all of these are for the kids sports, Adison's football, Harley's soccer and Olivia's basketball"

A: "our kids our All Stars" (laughs)

L: "you're not wrong"

After about 30 minutes, Olivia and Adison come inside.

L: "make sure you guys shower, okay?"

Ad/O: "okay mom"

They head upstairs to shower right then, Harley walks in.

H: "hey"

A: "hey, where's Angelica?"

H: "oh, she had to go home."

L: "what'd you get?"

H: "well first we ate at Taco Bell and then we went to a few stores and I got these really cute shoes. And a few outfits."

L: "omg, those shoes are cute"

H: "right? I love them"

After Adison and Olivia got out the shower, they all headed to the store.

Ad: "we should make our own pizzas tonight. That would be really good"

O: "oooo yeah, pizza sounds so good"

H: "I'm down for pizza"

A: "you want pizza babe?"

L: "sure, I don't see why not"

They get things for dinner and as they are checking out someone wraps their arms around Harley

H: "what the- oh! Jackson, you scared me!"

J: "sorry, what are you doing here?"

H: "just getting things for dinner."

J: "I haven't seen you in so long"

H: "we just hung out at the mall" (laughs)

J: "I know, but I missed you"

H: "I missed you too, I will FaceTime you when I get home, okay?"

J: "okay babe, love you"

H: "love you"

Ad: "ooooo you and Jackson are pretty serious, huh?"

H: "not really, we've only been dating for a year"

L: "a year is a long time Harley"

O: "have you kissed before?"

H: "once"

A: "you kissed? When, where, and why"

H: "dad, you were there, it was at my birthday party"

A: "oh yeah"

After checking out, they head home. Once they get home they start making dinner and basically just chill the rest of the night.

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