Starting 3rd grade

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Today is the twins first day of 3rd grade and Olivia is starting daycare.


L: "hey guys, it's time to get up, it's the first day of school."

H: "can we sleep in a little longer, please mom?"

L: "okay, 10 more minutes"


L: "alright guys, now time to get up, I have your clothes layed out on your dresser, when you get done changing, brush your hair and teeth, and wash you your face, then come eat breakfast.

Ad/H: "okay mom"

Lauren heads into Olivia's room where Alex is getting her ready.

L: "hey baby"

A: "hey, are they up now?"

L: "yeah, they're getting ready, is her diaper bag packed up?"

A: "no, I didn't have a chance to pack it, will you pack it?"

L: "yeah"

As Alex gets Olivia dressed and Lauren packs her diaper bag, Adison and Harley finish getting ready and head downstairs to eat breakfast.


Ad: "it's your turn to let Moose out"

H: "no, it's your turn, I did it yesterday

Ad: "fine, but you have to let him out after school"

H: "deal"

Adison let's moose out and waits for him to potty while Harley makes them cereal and toast

H: "okay Adison, breakfast is ready"


They begin eating and Alex, Lauren, and Olivia come downstairs.

A: "hey, you guys almost done eating?"

H: "no, we just started"

A: "okay, that's fine, you eat, did you let Moose out?"

Ad: "yes, I did"

L: "thanks bubba"

Lauren puts Olivia in her high chair and gives her cereal, Alex puts the kids backpacks by the door and packs their lunch.


They finish eating, throw on their shoes and head out the door.

Alex and Lauren drop the kids off at school, then drop Olivia off at daycare

They run a few errands, such as grocery shopping, things for Oliva's party, get Harley new cleats, and take Moose to the vet.

At school

Adison and Harley don't have the same class this year so it's gonna be weird for them.

Harley has a class with her best friend and Catherine and Angelica though so she is happy about that

H: "guys, we should sit next to each other"

Catherine: "yeah! And we can share marker's and crayons!"

Angelica: "this is going to be the best year ever!"

The girls get seated and everyone goes up to introduce themselves to the class.

Teacher: "okay, your turn Harley

H: "Hello,my name is Harley Kate Burriss and I am 8 years old. I have a twin brother named Adison and a baby sister named Olivia. We have a dog named Moose too. I live with my mom and dad. I play soccer and my team is called Blue Fusion. Soccer is my favorite thing to do.

Teacher: "alright, thank you Harley, now we know so much about you!"

In Adison's class he sat by his best friend Asa.

Ad: "I normally sit by Harley, but we don't have classes together anymore."

Asa: "we could sit by each other, and we could secretly play with action figures!"

Ad: "I don't know, I don't want to get them taken up or get in trouble."

Asa: "come on Adison, be a rebel, we are in third grade now, we need to step up and take a chance"

Ad: "alright, what's the worst that could happen?"

1 hour later

Teacher: "Adison, Asa, what do you have?"

Ad/Asa: "nothing"

Teacher: "give it to me"

Ad: "but miss, this is my favorite action figure that my dad gave me for my birthday, please don't take it"

Teacher: "I'm sorry Adison, rules are rules, you can get it back after class"

Ad: "well that's not so bad, okay"

Alex and Lauren finished running errands and decided to stop for lunch. They went by a sushi cafe.

L: "what time is it?"

A: "2:30, the kids get out in 45 minutes"

L: "okay, good. That gives us enough time to eat and then go pick them up"

After they finish eating, they head to pick up the kids from school.

Harley waits outside for not only Alex and Lauren, but also Adison.

Angelica: "hey Harley, where's Adison?"

H: "I don't know, but he better hurry before my mom and dad get here, oh look there he is"

Ad: "(pants) hey, sorry, I was still in class"

H: "why?"

Ad: "don't tell Mom and Dad, but I got my action figure taken up and I had to wait till the end of class to get it."

H: "my lips are sealed."

Ad: "are you coming home with us Angelica?"

Angelica: "yeah, my mom works late, so I have to"

As they talk, Alex and Lauren pull up. The kids get in the car, and they go to get Olivia.

A: "hey guys, how was school?"

Ad/H/Ang: "good!"

L: "anything happen that we should know about Adison?"

Ad: "nope, we were good all day"

L: "Adison, are you lying?"

Ad: "yes ma'am, I'm sorry, Asa and I were playing with my new action figure and I got it taken away"

A: "we know, we got a call, Adison, you know you aren't allowed to bring your toys to school. So I'm sorry buddy but you're grounded"

Ad: "grounded!? For how long?"

L: "a week, no toys and no tv"

Ad: "no fair!"

L: "we can make it longer"

Ad: "sorry, I'm sorry"

They pick up Olivia and head back to the house, the kids go into the office and do their homework. When they finish, Harley and Angelica go upstairs and play with the American girl dolls. Adison has to sit up in his room and read.

Angelica's mom comes to pick her up and then they eat dinner

H: "I love salad, thanks Mom"

L: "no problem sweetie, how do you like it Adison?"

Ad: "it's really good mom"

They all finish dinner and get ready for bed.

L: "alright guys, get a good sleep"

A: "remember, if you can't fall asleep...

Ad/H: "count Moose"

L: "alright guys, good night."

A: "we love you"

Ad/H: "we love you too, goodnight."

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