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Update: Olivia Jade Burriss was born August 6th and she is now a year old. Harley joined her first soccer team and Adison plays basketball. Moosie is just a lazy playful dog, and Alex and Lauren are caring for these crazy kids



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L: "Harley! Are you dressed for your soccer game!"

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L: "Harley! Are you dressed for your soccer game!"

H: "almost ready mom!"

A: "Adison, run upstairs and grab Olivia's diaper bag."

Ad: "where is it?"

A: "in my room on the dresser."

Ad: "okay"

L: "uughhhh"

A: "what's wrong?"

L: "I can't find my car keys and I need to get Harley to her game."

A: "babe..the keys are in your hand."

Ad: "here dad"

A: "Thanks buddy"

L: "what is wrong with me lately? I don't know. Anyway, come on Harley."

Ad: "Are we all going to her game?"

L: "yep, so let's get in the car, babe you got the baby?"

A: "yep"

They all head out to Harley's soccer game. Alex got out the chairs for them to sit in and Harley ran over to her team.

L: "man. I love that Harley plays soccer, but I hate this heat"

A: "she should've played basketball. I mean, its indoor"

L: "it was her choice. I mean when I asked her to play basketball she said no (laughs)"

Ad: "can I go play at that park?"

A: "no buddy, stay and watch Harley"

The game starts, and Harley scores 5 times.

L: "Wooh! Go Hare Bear!!"

A: "That's my girl!"

Ad: "Go Harley!"

Harley's team won 7-2 but right after the game, they had to head over to Adison's basketball game.
Once they got to his game, Lauren and Harley headed back to the house so Harley could shower. They drive back to the game half way through.

L: "are they winning?"

A: "yep, its 2-0 right now"

L: "look at him go! Just like his dad"

H: "look at bubba Olivia!"

A: "wow, look at him go"

Adison's team won 2-0. After the game they stopped for ice cream then went home.

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