{Chapter Forthy Eight}

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Questions for the readers!

1. Should Blue be prego?


B. No.

2. Do you enjoy this story?

A. Yes

B. No

3. Do you want to suggest something?

A. Yes

B. No

Ink let out a small sigh, "Fresh..since you're going to help me. Do you have any ways to lower Blue to me?" He asked.

"Nah, not at the moment." Fresh replied as he look at Ink, "do you bruh?"

"No, that's why I asked you Fresh." Ink  spoke as he looks to a side. "What does Error like that Blue doesn't have?" Ink ask.

Fresh ponder before speaking, "uh..well he likes being dominant at times-"

"Does Blue become dominant to Error or no?"

"I don't know." Fresh answer.



Geno nuzzle Reaper, "I care about you so much Reaper and I don't know why..."



"Uhm...maybe because we are close friends?" Reaper question his response as he felt Geno hum a bit.



Stretch enters his house as he noticed that his home was awfully silent. Maybe his brother was somewhere else? Or maybe he's asleep since it is 9pm already.

Stretch wonder if Error stayed over for the night, if he did Error is probably sleeping with Blue. If not well Error will be somewhere right? Anyways Stretch went to his room to rest.


Fell sigh as he was with Sci whom was holding his hand for some reason. "Uhm..kid whatyadoing? " Fell asked as Sci let go of Fell's hand.

"Nothing!! Just Uhm thinking about how Blue is doing since it been a while since we spoke with him."

"Oh.. okay." Fell didn't really believe that was the reason but he let it slide.


Ink was asking Fresh numerous questions which were always answered. Fresh was getting bored of answering and well being with Ink so he made his excuse to leave with Ink bought. And with that Fresh left Ink and went to see Geno because Ink told him that he wanted to get Geno to help him.

That was what Fresh is "going" to do. While entering the save screen he made his way to his brother. It was hard to make out where's the ceiling,floor,wall and everything! Though Fresh manage to know his directions and soon found Geno with someone.


Ink let out a sigh as he smile, he will win Error's heart! He will and he knows it! Nothing can ruin his plan, nothing can! And with Fresh helping him this will be more efficient.

Oh how he wants Blue out of the picture, how he desire to win Error's heart. He will succeed, he will and he knows it.

Or does he?

Please answer the first question that I gave so I could know what to write Okie? Thanks ^^

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