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Yoongi and Jin had decided to bring their meal to Jungkook instead of having to carry Jungkook out of bed and downstairs. Yoongi had put away a folding card table that Jin declared would be absolutely perfect for all of them to sit around. While Jin carried it upstairs and instructed Namjoon to set it up while he finished dinner, Yoongi went out into his garage and picked out a few lawn chairs. When he reached Jungkook's room he found Jungkook listening intently to Namjoon as the man droned on about his work in the rapping industry. Jungkook was leaning forward on his bed, eyes trained on Namjoon as he set up the card table. He seemed to be struggling to not break anything but he finally flipped it over, fully put together correctly. Namjoon grinned at himself, proud.

"Here, Namjoon," Yoongi threw one of the chair to his friend. Namjoon barely caught it but unfolded it with a huff and scowl in Yoongi's direction.

Yoongi set up the other two chairs he had brought in around the table as well.

"Where's Jungkook's chair?" Namjoon asked.

Yoongi waved him off, "He's eating in bed. Jin is making him a tray so he doesn't have to get up and down."

"H-hyung...?" Jungkook had drawn back again, fiddling with his covers and keeping his head down.

"Yes?" Namjoon and Yoongi both answered at the same time. Yoongi scowled at his friend but Jungkook's voice brought him back.

"Y-you don't have to make me a tray. It's fine. I'm not very hungry anyway – you really don't have to do any of this..." Jungkook weakly tried to protest but one withering gaze from Yoongi had him shutting his mouth.

Jin raced up the stairs, somehow juggling several hot sauces, Jungkook's tray and a bag of chips in his hands and under his arms. He set the sauces and chips down and by setting down, he just dropped them, before carefully placing the tray over Jungkook's legs.

"Be careful, it's hot," he said before racing away back down the stairs. He called for Namjoon over his shoulder to come and help him. Yoongi hummed at his friends, racing around to get the food ready. He found it amusing.

Jungkook was staring at his food with those wide doe eyes. Yoongi watched him gulp and quickly lick his lips. He was hungry and it was quite easy to see. He was such a silly child for saying he wasn't. Besides, the doctor had already instructed Jungkook to eat plenty.

"Go ahead and eat," Yoongi pointed to the boy's food. Jungkook seemed to snap out of his staring contest with his noodles and looked back up at Yoongi.

"I can wait on you – "

Yoongi shook his head, "I said eat, Jungkook. Don't make me say it again."

Yoongi didn't have to say it again. Jungkook was already picking up his chopsticks and practically shoving the food into his mouth. Once again Yoongi just watched him eat, somehow satisfied with the way he was eating. Jungkook mumbled out a quick and muffled thank you from around his food before dipping his head and starting to eat again. Jin and Namjoon came back up the stairs with the rest of the food, setting it on the table as Namjoon went back down to get bowls and plates.

Jin whistled once he saw Jungkook had already finished most of his meal.

"Hungry?" he asked with a grin and laughed when Jungkook nodded furiously, mouth so full he couldn't answer and the food was making his cheeks puff out cutely. Jin turned to Yoongi and whispered into his ear, "He looks like an adorable, little bunny, Yoongi. Oh, my heart!" Jin actually clutched his chest to add to his words, smiling like a proud mother.

Jungkook finished his food, setting the bowl back down on his tray and taking a small swig of his soda. Jin immediately took Jungkook's bowl and filed it to the brim again before setting it back in front of the boy. Jungkook stared at it for a moment before his eyes wandered to Jin and then Yoongi as if looking for permission to move.

"What are you waiting for?" Jin asked. Namjoon walked in with their bowls and plate, setting them on the table and staring to spoon food into his own bowl.

"I... I can have more?" He asked. His eyes looked doubtful but Yoongi didn't find it too terribly surprising. He had been down this road with Jungkook before. He always waited for permission to eat, even in the hospital. He never took seconds unless Yoongi made him and even when he did, he still waited for some kind of go-ahead.

Jin frowned, "What kind of question is that? I made this for – "

Yoongi interrupted him, placing a hand on his wrist to stop him. It was something they needed to talk about privately. He looked to Jungkook, "Eat all of that and if you're hungry after you need to tell me Understand?"

Jungkook nodded solemnly before digging in to his second helping at a slower pace than the first. Jin turned, about to open his mouth and ask Yoongi what the hell had just happened but one look from the younger had the words dying on the tip of his tongue. Yoongi just shook his head and handed Jin a bowl full of food.

Their meal was filled with mostly idle talk. Jungkook listened while Jin spoke about his modelling job and how he wanted to complain to the company about not having enough snacks. Namjoon nodded along with his boyfriend while Yoongi merely laughed at the two. Jin took food very seriously and it was something amusing to listen to him speak about. The topic of conversation shifted to Namjoon and how his next track was coming. He was talking about releasing a mixtape. Jin seemed thrilled with the idea and was even more thrilled when Namjoon asked if he would be featured on it.

Yoongi caught Jungkook slowly sipping at his soda instead of gulping it like he, Jin and Namjoon were doing. He seemed to be savoring every single moment, every single taste and every drink he was experiencing.

"Jungkook," Yoongi called. The younger's head snapped from Namjoon and Jin calling each other pet names and complimenting each other and his eyes latched onto Yoongi's, "Yes, hyung?"

"You can have another one. You don't have to be so careful with that one." Yoongi pointed to the soda before using his own as an indicator of what he was talking about.

Jungkook's eyes widened before his brows furrowed, "I can?"

Jin scoffed, his attention taken away from his boyfriend at the sound of Yoongi's voice, "You can have whatever you want, Jungkook."

"I can?" his voice came out as a small squeak.

Jin nodded, his own brow furrowed now, "Yeah... why would you think you couldn't?" Jin put his hands on his lips and fake-glared at Yoongi, "Have you not been taking care of this boy, Yoongi? Have you been denying him?" Jin looked back at Jungkook, "I'm sorry about him, he's such a grump."

Yoongi's mouth dropped open, "I am not a grump!"

"N-no, hyung is amazing..." Jungkook whispered. Jin still caught it and almost swooned and cooed. Jungkook was adorable and Jin found his shyness almost charming.

Jin nodded in agreement, "Would you like anything, Jungkook?"

Jungkook's eyes went back to his lap before going back and forth between the door and his bed. He didn't answer Jin's question but instead threw a pouting look at Yoongi, "May I please go and rest now, hyung? I don't feel well..."

"What?" Yoongi asked, "You were feeling fine a moment ago."

Namjoon looked a bit unbelieving, "You're drinking a soda and you're, like, twelve – shouldn't you be bouncing of the walls?"

Jin shoved Namjoon and pulled a face before leaning in and harshly whispering, "He's eighteen, Joon, get it right, you're embarrassing him!"

Jungkook seemed to be ignoring the small whisper battle Jin and Namjoon were having and let his eyes focus solely on Yoongi, "Please, hyung?"

Yoongi shrugged, "You heard what the master of the house said, get out you bums." Yoongi patted Jin's knee and then waved at Namjoon to make his way out. He needed to have a serious conversation away from Jungkook with them anyway.


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